Ariel Beccia, PhD

Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School

Ariel Beccia (she/her/hers) is a postdoctoral research fellow in the Division of Adolescent & Young Adult Medicine at Boston Children’s Hospital and with Harvard’s Strategic Training Initiative for the Prevention of Eating Disorders (STRIPED). Her research focuses on identifying the social and structural determinants of gender- and sexual orientation-based inequities in mental health outcomes, with a particular focus on eating disorders. She is also interested in developing methods for incorporating intersectionality and other critical feminist theories into quantitative health research. Ariel earned her PhD in epidemiology from the University of Massachusetts Medical School and a BS in Neuroscience with a minor in Gender & Sexuality Studies at St. Lawrence University.

Representative Publications

Beccia AL, Baek J, Jesdale WM, Austin SB, Forrester S, Curtin C, et al. Risk of disordered eating at the intersection of gender and racial/ethnic identity among U.S. high school students. Eat Behav. 2019; 101299.
