Science in the A.L.PS.


When the prestigious invite to the Austrian Leadership Programs from the Austrian Embassy rolled into her inbox, Dr. Patricia (Patty) Grace thought it could have been spam. Within thirty minutes, Dr. Sarah Fortune, Immunology and Infectious Diseases Department Chair (and Patty’s mentor), informed her the opportunity was very much real. Read the full article, “Science in the A.L.P.S.,” on the Department of Immunology and Infectious Diseases website.

The infectious disease that nobody ever thinks about


Before COVID, tuberculosis was the leading infectious disease killer in the world. To mark World TB Day, March 24, Sarah Fortune, John LaPorte Given Professor of Immunology and Infectious Diseases and a TB expert, discusses the state of the disease worldwide, obstacles to fighting it, and the latest research. Read the full article “The infectious disease that nobody ever thinks about”on the Chan School website