In memoriam: Mel First

mel first 470x313Mel First was a practical man who valued research for the solutions it provides to issues in the real world. Not content simply to identify public health problems, Mel’s life purpose was to solve them. He conducted groudbreaking research on cleaning the air of pollutants, and methods he developed–some of which are still used today–helped factory workers and people living near industrial plants breathe easier. Mel’s students and colleagues will remember him as a man with firm opinions that were rooted in his commitment to protect public health through the application of sound engineering principles. Those who shared his principles and who had earned his respect through the quality of their work could count on his help and support. He always made time for his students and they were devoted to him. The Melvin W. First Fellowship Fund, which supports doctoral students in environmental health engineering, honors Mel’s many contributions to the School and to the field.

The above tribute was written by three individuals who were students of Mel First and contributed to his tribute fund: Steve Rudnick, SM ’70, SD ’78, lecturer on industrial hygiene engineering at Harvard School of Public Health; David Leith, SD ’75, professor and associate chair of the Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, University of North Carolina School of Public Health; and Douglas Dockery, SM ’74, SD ’79, professor of environmental epidemiology and chair of the Department of Environmental Health, Harvard School of Public Health. Rudnick and Leith were students of Mel First.

Support for innovation

deeda blair 470x313“I believe that when you identify the strongest scientists, you back them all the way. Given the inflexibility of federal funding for science research, what is needed is more support for innovation. From the beginning, HSPH’s Max Essex recognized that HIV/AIDS would become a global pandemic of unimaginable proportions. He saw that the only solution would be rigorous and imaginative basic research. He and his colleagues at the HSPH AIDS Initiative not only do groundbreaking work, but also train the next generation of scientists to take on research challenges such as the virulent subtypes of HIV currently decimating so much of Africa.”

Mrs. William McCormick Blair, Jr. is director emeritus and former vice president of the Albert and Mary Lasker Foundation. She has been actively involved with the Harvard AIDS Initiative and Harvard School of Public Health since 1982, and in 2011 received the Volunteer Leadership Award from the School’s Leadership Council.

Important contributions

seth glickenhaus 470x313“Harvard School of Public Health does outstanding work training people who go on to work in communities around the world, including the United States, where improved health care is desperately needed. Yet despite their important contributions, public health graduates often earn much less than graduates of other schools at Harvard. Even though I graduated from the College, my wife Sarah and I give more to HSPH to help deserving students graduate without a huge burden of debt.”

Seth Glickenhaus, AB ’34, senior partner, Glickenhaus & Co.

Preventative perspective

eugene mickey 470x313“My training as a pediatric dentist was very clinically oriented. But when I came to the School for my MPH, I had the opportunity to step outside the box and think about the preventative side of dentistry that helps populations of children. After I graduated from HSPH, this perspective came into play as I joined the Indian Health Service and for three years worked with rural communities to fluoridate water supplies and educate families about preventative dentistry.

“Upon returning to full-time practice, I still focus as much on the preventative aspects of dentistry as on the operative part.

“Harvard helped me with tuition assistance to further my education. Because of this, I target my gifts to financial aid for other students in need.”

Eugene Mickey, MPH ’82, PD ’82

Reforming health systems

william hsiao 470x313“Over the past decade, there has been a growing global awareness that health systems need to be reformed so that we can best use our resources to improve people’s health. HSPH established the first disciplined-based doctoral program in the world to focus on health systems. I chose to support fellowships for students in the program because we were losing too many top applicants because of insufficient financial aid. Our graduates will go on to reform health systems around the world as researchers and policymakers, potentially improving the lives of billions of people.”

William Hsiao, K.T. Li Professor of Economics

Leverage to affect change

katie vogelheim 470x313“Harvard School of Public Health focuses on areas that fit nicely with our foundation’s interest in women and children’s health, and its experts have the leverage to affect change in a meaningful way. Their research, experience in the field, and connections in the world of public health allow us to get more out of our grant dollars. Rather than simply focusing on a single hospital or clinic, they create programs that can be replicated or taken to the countrywide level. I am thrilled that the new Hansen Program on Maternal and Child Health has real potential to make a difference in saving mother’s lives.”

Katie Vogelheim, founder of the Hansen Foundation and a member of the HSPH Board of Dean’s Advisors. Also pictured: Christopher Chin, HSPH India delegation member.

Supporting at a personal level

“I chose to become involved with HSPH because the School has the capacity to affect not just a small population, but the entire world. I have yet to identify another organization with such a global footprint. The great advantage of funding scholarships is that it brings supporting public health down to a personal level: here is the individual whom your money is going to help. These students will go on in their careers to help people in ways I can’t even imagine.”

Russ Carson, a founding partner of Welsh, Carson, Anderson & Stowe, and Judy Carson.

Funding skills and assets

Jamie Cooper-Hohn
Jamie Cooper-Hohn

“The health landscape has change dramatically in Africa and India over the last decade, with much more significant expectations around what we can achieve for the broad population, as well as a new and substantial influx of donor resources to achieve these goals. As a result, to be successful and competitive for donor funds, health ministers and ministries now need a complex basket of skills ranging from the political to managerial. The curriculum for the new HSPH Ministerial Leadership Program we are funding is designed around the actual skills and assets needed by ministers, rather than a theoretical or academic approach. There also will be follow-up support, as well as an accountability mechanism for ministers to implement their plan and report progress to their peers.”
Jamie Cooper-Hohn, MPA ’94, president of the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation.