Transforming public health education
- Endowed educational strategy funds start at $250,000
- Current-use educational strategy funds start at $50,000
- Endowed faculty development funds start at $2,000,000
Funding for specific programs and priorities: Advancing research and field work
- Endowed research funds start at $250,000
- Current-use research funds start at $50,000
- Opportunities to support permanent intellectual programs, centers, and institutes vary by program.
Dean’s Leadership Fund: Flexible funding for fast-moving priorities
- Flexible giving that empowers the Dean to apply funds in the area of greatest need, making the School more nimble in responding to emerging challenges and opportunities and fostering new discoveries that lead to improved health for people across the globe.
- Endowed Dean’s innovation funds start at $250,000
- Current-use gifts of any amount are welcomed to support the Dean’s Leadership Fund
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