
Publication – English

  1. Yip W, WC Hsiao. “What Drove China’s Health Reform Cycle?” Health Systems and Reform, 2015, DOI:10.4161/23288604.2014.995005
  2. Yip W, Hsiao W. Harnessing the privatisation of China’s fragmented health-care delivery. Lancet 2014; 384; 805-818.
  3. Powell-Jackson T, W Yip, W Han. “Realigning Demand and Supply-Side Incentives to Improve Primary Health Care Seeking in Rural China,” Health Economics, 2014 May, DOI: 10.1002/hec.3060
  4. Yip W, T Powell-Jackson, et al, “Capitation with Pay-for-performance Improves Primary Care Providers’ Antibiotic Prescribing Practices in Rural China,” Health Affairs, 2014, 33(3):502-510
  5. Yip W, Hsiao WC, Chen W, Hu S, Ma J, Maynard A. Early appraisal of China’s huge and complex health-care reforms. Lancet 2012;379; 833-842.
  6. Yip W, Hsiao W, Meng Q, Chen W, Sun X. Realignment of incentives for health-care providers in China. Lancet 2010;375; 1120-1130.

Publication – Chinese

  1. Jian WY, W Yip, WC Hsiao, W Chen, M Hu, “A Win-Win-Win Provider Payment Policy Innovation: the Case of Yanchi County Hospital [多方共赢的政策设计案例:宁夏盐池县级医院包干制],” China Health Economics (in Chinese), 2014,11:8-10
  2. Hu M, W Yip, W Chen, WC Hsiao, “Barriers to Universal Health Coverage in Rural Settings and their Causes: Demand- and Supply-Side Incentives [农村通向全民健康覆盖的障碍及其原因分析——基于供需双方经济激励机制角度],” Chinese Journal of Health Policy (in Chinese), 2014,7(8):4-8
  3. Zhu JJ, M Hu, W Yip, W Chen, “Enhancing Access to Basic Outpatient Services in Rural Settings: Design and Outcomes of the Benefit Package Reform of NCMS in Ningxia[如何增强农村基层门诊服务的可及性--宁夏新农合福利包改革设计与效果],” Chinese Journal of Health Policy (in Chinese), 2014,7(8):9-13
  4. Hu M, W Yip, W Chen, JJ Zhu, “Improving the Efficiency and Quality of Basic Health Care: Design and Outcomes of the Town-village Provider Payment System Reform in Ningxia [如何提高农村基层医疗服务的效率和质量:宁夏乡村两级门诊基于绩效的按人头预付制支付制度改革设计与效果],” Chinese Journal of Health Policy  (in Chinese), 2014,7(8):14-18
  5. Tang S, WY Jian, W Yip, Y Guo, “Impact of Primary-care Oriented Outpatient Benefit Package Design in New Rural Cooperative Medical System on Hypertension Outpatient Services Utilization [向基层机构倾斜的门诊报销制度对高血压患者门诊服务利用的影响],” Journal of Peking University Health Sciences (in Chinese), 2014; 46(3):445-449.

Find more publications in Chinese


  1. Chi YL, W Yip. The Impact of Health Shocks on Household Consumption and Income in China
  2. Han W, W Yip. Can Social Health Insurance Reduce Care-Seeking Delay Among TB Suspects in Rural China?
  3. Han W, W Yip. Income Elasticity of Demand for Health Care Quality in Rural China
  4. Fe E, T Powell-Jackson, W Yip. Doctor Competence and the Demand for Healthcare: Evidence from Rural China
  5. Hafez R, W Yip. The Impact of Health Insurance on Financial Risk Protection: Do Design Features Matter?
  6. Hafez R, W Yip. The Effect of Price and Quality on Patient’s Choice of Provider in Rural Ningxia
  7. Hafez R. The Effect of Increased Health Coverage on Household Savings and Consumption
  8. Yip, W., WY Jian, W Han. The Impact of Capitation and Pay-for-Performance on Case-Management for Patients with Hypertension and Diabetes
  9. Yip, W., WY Jian, et al. The Impact of Population-Based Global Budget and Pay for Quality on Referrals and Quality of Care
  10. Yip, W. Implementation of a Diagonal Approach to TB Control: Re-alignment of Inter-Government Agency Interests. in preparation for Implementation Science.
  11. Yip, W. Implementation of Provider Payment Reform: Inter-Ministries Bureaucratic Conflicts. in preparation for Health Policy and Planning
  12. Yip, W., W Hsiao. Bridging the Vertical-Horizontal Divide: the Diagonal Approach to Health Systems Strengthening for TB Control
  13. Yip, W. , W Hsiao. From Pilots to Scaling Up of Health System Reform

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