Zamo Mbele

Clinical psychologist
Tara H. Moross Hospital

Zamo Mbele is a registered clinical psychologist in Johannesburg, South Africa. He currently practices as a senior psychotherapist and is a senior supervisor at Tara H. Moross Hospital and at the WITS Donald Gordon Medical Centre. Zamo has worked in both the private and public sector of South Africa’s mental health services and has more than a decade’s experience within the South Africa public mental health space; as a clinician and in an advisory capacity as an expert adviser to governance structures and policy making inter alia. He has presented and published internationally and locally, and has contributed expert opinions extensively through media collaborations. Zamo is the vice-chairperson of the South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG), and a director of the Ububele Education Trust. He has also worked and consulted considerably in the not-for-profit and non-government space.  Zamo is also an organisation consultant for cooperate wellness and for academic and educational institutions. Zamo is also a lecturer for the South Africa Psychoanalytic Initiative Psychotherapy College and is currently a candidate psychoanalyst with the South African Psychoanalytic Association.