augustine aboh

Augustine Aboh

Research Officer | Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding Unit, Office for Strategic Preparedness and Resilience, Nigeria
Samson Auta headshot

Samson Auta

Conflict EWER Specialist | Interfaith Mediation Centre
Garrett Benz

Garrett Benz

Research Assistant | Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO)
Ludovica de Girolamo

Ludovica de Girolamo

Conflict and GIS Analyst, Consultant | European Commission, Joint Research Centre, ECML (Seidor Consulting)
Kosha Doshi

Kosha Doshi

Law Student | Symbiosis Law School @ Symbiosis International
Ana Maria Duta headshot

Ana Maria Duta

Conflict and GIS analyst, Consultant | European Commission, Joint Research Centre, ECML (Engineering)
Ioannis Galariotis headshot

Ioannis Galariotis

Data Scientist and Consultant | European Commission, Joint Research Centre, DRMKC