The second phase of the project involved developing methods papers and case studies to support the extension of the iDSI Reference Case to include benefit-cost analysis. The initial drafts of these papers were reviewed by selected experts, posted online for public comment, and discussed in a November 2-3, 2017 workshop, then revised to reflect the many thoughtful and helpful comments we received. We also solicited additional case studies to test and demonstrate the implementation of the methods paper recommendations. Several of these papers have now been published in a special open access issue of the Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis. Links to the most recent version of each paper are provided below; the resulting guidance is available here.
Introduction to the Special Issue
- Conducting Benefit-Cost Analysis in Low- and Middle-Income Countries, Lisa A. Robinson, James K. Hammitt, Dean T. Jamison, Damian G. Walker, Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis, 10(S1), 1-14, 2019. (video montage)
Methods Papers
- Valuing Mortality Risk Reductions in Global Benefit-Cost Analysis, Lisa A. Robinson, James K. Hammitt, and Lucy O’Keeffe, Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis, 10(S1): 15-50, 2019. (Working paper, 2018, also available at SSRN:
- Valuing Changes in Time Use in Low- and Middle-Income Countries, Dale Whittington and Joseph Cook, Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis, 10(S1): 51-72, 2019.
- Accounting for Timing when Assessing Health-Related Policies, Karl Claxton, Miqdad Asaria, Collins Chansa, Julian Jamison, James Lomas, Jessica Ochalek, and Mike Paulden, Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis, 10(S1): 73-105, 2019.
- Valuing Protection against Health-Related Financial Risks, Jonathan Skinner, Kalipso Chalkidou, and Dean Jamison, Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis, 10(S1): 106-131, 2019.
- Valuing Nonfatal Health Risk Reductions in Global Benefit-Cost Analysis, Lisa A. Robinson and James K. Hammitt, Guidelines for Benefit‐Cost Analysis Project Working Paper, 2018. Also available at SSRN:
- Assessing the Distribution of Impacts in Global Benefit-Cost Analysis, Lisa A. Robinson and James K. Hammitt, with supplement by Matthew Adler, Guidelines for Benefit‐Cost Analysis Project Working Paper, 2018. Also available at SSRN:
- Assessing the Economy-wide Effects of Health and Environmental Interventions in Support of Benefit-Cost Analysis, Kenneth M. Strzepek, Collins Amanya, and James E. Neumann, Guidelines for Benefit‐Cost Analysis Project Working Paper, 2018.
Although these papers provide the basis for the benefit-cost analysis reference case guidance, that guidance may ultimately deviate from their recommendations in some areas.
Case Studies
- Comparing the Application of CEA and BCA to Tuberculosis Control Interventions in South Africa, Thomas Wilkinson, Fiammetta Bozzani, Anna Vassall, Michelle Remme, and Edina Sinanovic, Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis, 10(S1): 132-153, 2019.
- Benefit-Cost Analysis of a Package of Early Childhood Interventions to Improve Nutrition in Haiti, Brad Wong and Mark Radin, Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis, 10(S1): 154-184, 2019. Supporting spreadsheet.
- Applying Benefit-Cost Analysis to Air Pollution Control in the Indian Power Sector, Maureen Cropper, Sarath Guttikunda, Puja Jawahar, Zachary Lazri, Kabir Malik, Xiao‐Peng Song, and Xinlu Yao, Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis, 10(S1): 185-205, 2019.
- Standardized Sensitivity Analysis in BCA: An Education Case Study, Elina Pradhan and Dean Jamison, Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis, 10(S1): 206-223, 2019.
- Benefit-Cost Analysis of Community-Led Total Sanitation: Incorporating Results from Recent Evaluations, Mark Radin, Marc Jeuland, Hua Wang, and Dale Whittington. Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis, FirstView, 2020.
- Contribution of Water Resources Development and Environmental Management to Uganda’s Economy, James E. Neumann,Collins Amanya, and Kenneth M. Strzepek, Guidelines for Benefit‐Cost Analysis Project Working Paper, 2018.