Francoise Chantal Melanie

Francoise Chantal Melanie

Francoise Chantal Melanie is a registered nurse and midwife in the Seychelles with 27 years of community health experience. Currently, she works at the National Youth Health Centre as a Nurse Manager within the Ministry of Health in the area of sexual reproductive health and rights. Francoise is a passionate advocate for marginalized and at-risk populations at the community, national, regional, and international levels. She is also a committed HIV and AIDS activist and member of the Seychelles Civil Society Activist Think Tank (SCATT). Francoise received an advanced diploma from the International Council of Nurses’ Leadership for Change Program and a bachelor’s degree in social science from the University of Seychelles.

Applied Project Title: Improving Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights in the Seychelles

Although the Seychelles has made progress toward improving Universal Health Coverage, the national health profile indicates an increase in teenage pregnancies, unsafe abortions, and sexually transmitted infections, including new HIV infections among adolescents and young people. This project focused on the creation and implementation of a dedicated digital platform to address adolescent sexual reproductive health and rights (ASRHR). The website will provide comprehensive sexual education, as well as access to related health services. It provides a safe and innovative way to reach young people, empowering them with the knowledge to make informed decisions about their health and improve Seychelles’ ASRHR indicators.