Center Seminar Series – Sara Lazar

Sara Lazar Headshot

Meditation and the Brain

Friday, February 17, 2017, 12:30-1:30pm

The Center for Health and Happiness kicked off its seminar series on Friday, February 17, 2017 with a lecture from Dr. Sara Lazar, Associate Researcher in the Psychiatry Department at Massachusetts General Hospital and Assistant Professor in Psychology at Harvard Medical School.

Professor Lazar discussed the impact of mindfulness meditation on well-being, psychiatric and stress-related symptoms. She also reported results of her research on mindfulness practice and increases in gray matter density in the brain.

Please click the links below to view Professor Lazar’s selected research publications.

Holzel, B.K., et al., Mindfulness practice leads to increases in regional brain gray matter density, Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging (2010)

Holzel, B.K., et al., How does mindfulness work, Association for Psychological Science (2011)

Desbordes, G., et al., Moving beyond mindfulness: Defining equanimity as an outcome measure in meditation and contemplative research, Mindfulness (2014)