Center Seminar Series – Myriam Hunink

Myriam Hunink Heahdshot

The Role of Decision Science in our Quest for Health and Happiness

Monday, August 14, 2017, 12:30-1:30pm

Dr. Myriam Hunink is Professor of Clinical Epidemiology and Radiology at Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam and is Adjunct Professor of Health Decision Science here at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

Professor Hunink’s main research interests are comparative effectiveness research and health technology assessment studies of diagnostic and prognostic imaging tests (biomarkers) and image-guided therapies, in particular for cardiovascular disease. Her vision is to optimize medical decisions by combining the best-available quantitative evidence on risks and benefits from diverse sources and integrating patient values, preferences, quality of life and costs.

During her seminar, Professor Hunink provided an overview of the concept and tools of decision science and their role in health and happiness, particularly decision analysis using decision models and multi-criteria decision making.

View a recording of the seminar here.