Center Seminar Series – Willem Kuyken

Dr. Willem Kuyken speaking in seminar series

Preventing Depression Across the Lifespan with Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy

Wednesday, October 23, 2019, 1:00-1:50pm

Dr. Willem Kuyken is Ritblat Professor of Mindfulness and Psychological Science in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Oxford. His work focuses on depression and evidence-based approaches to depression. In particular, his research examines how mindfulness and mindfulness-based programs can prevent depression and enhance human potential across the lifespan.

Willem Kuyken’s talk focused on:

  • The theoretical premise for MBCT
  • How MBCT works, suggesting a model of change
  • The RCT evidence and more recent effectiveness/implementation evidence
  • The evolution of MBCT for new populations and contexts, including a 7-year program of work asking if a universal mindfulness training in schools can prevent depression and enhance resilience in adolescence aged 11-16
  • Some of the challenges and “growing edges” facing the field

You can view a recording of the seminar here.