Fallen tree trunks are stacked in a forest

Stop the next pandemic: Conservation as public health policy

08/13/2020 | Harvard Political Review

An empty hospital room with two beds.

Climate change and health care with Drs. Caren Solomon and Renee Salas

08/12/2020 | NEJM Resident 360 Podcast

A foggy, skeletal forest

Slowing deforestation could save humanity from the next pandemic

08/12/2020 | The World

Enlarged coronavirus

What we can learn from COVID-19 for the climate crisis

08/11/2020 | CNN

An electric fan.

Heat waves are deadlier than hurricanes and fires. Maybe they should get names, too

08/06/2020 | LA Times

A crumpled mask lies on pavement.

The next virus pandemic is not far away

08/06/2020 | Financial Times

An empty hospital bed.

Enough hiding: It’s time we see the faces of climate change

08/05/2020 | World War Zero

An intense sunset over a city.

Arsht Resilience Center wants heat waves classified like hurricanes

08/04/2020 | WLRN Miami

Children playing are silhouetted against a sunset.

Reducing air pollution has helped children in Northeast U.S., study finds

07/30/2020 | Ecowatch

Three children sit together outdoors.

Air pollution and children’s health

07/29/2020 | New York Times