About the Center


Photo of David Christiani

David C. Christiani, MD, MPH, MS, Director and Elkan Blout Professor of Environmental Genetics

The Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Center for Occupational Health (ERC) is one of 18 regional Education and Research Centers funded by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). The ERC supports traineeships at the master, doctoral, and post-doctoral levels at our campus in Boston.

The goal of the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health ERC is to train professionals as practitioners and research leaders in occupational safety and health by offering graduate degrees, residency training, clinical experiences, and research mentorship to our trainees. The ERC aims to provide a broad, multidisciplinary educational experience involving student and faculty collaborations in the classroom and on research and service projects.

Beyond the Classroom

Activities are grounded in multi-site, interactive teaching programs that translate knowledge into information that can be used to improve worker safety and health. In addition, through the Continuing Education Program, the ERC provides continuing education courses and outreach activities to other health professionals, and through our Outreach Program, we provide translational activities to stakeholders in the region. The Center aims to provide an educational bridge from the University to external constituencies to ensure that practicing professionals, workers, their representatives, supervisors, policymakers, and other educators benefit from the University’s occupational health and safety expertise. The ERC strives to integrate an occupational safety and health perspective in all of its activities, including practicum placements, research projects, and summer internships, as well as the school’s broader activities in environmental health research.

Equity and Inclusion

We support diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging as the pathway to achieving inclusive excellence and fostering a campus culture where everyone can thrive.  Together, we strive to create an environment that values diversity, promotes an inclusive culture, and establishes a profound sense of belonging for each member of our community.

Contact Us

For more information about the Harvard Chan Education and Research Center for Occupational Safety and Health, please contact:

David Christiani, MD, MPH, MS
Director, Education and Research Center
Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
665 Huntington Avenue, SPH 1-1401
Boston, MA 02115
Telephone: (617) 432-3323
Fax: (617) 432-3441
Email: dchris@hsph.harvard.edu