Photo of (Julian) Chen, Chen

Chen Chen (preferred: Julian), MS

Second-Year PhD student
Environmental Health

Advisor: Dr. Stefanos N. Kales | Program: EOME | Concentration: Occupational Epidemiology

– Q & A –

What is your background/experience prior to entering the program?

I obtained my MS in Biostatistics from HSPH in 2020. Prior to entering the program, I worked as a biostatistician at Mass General. My previous research was closely related to traffic safety, especially truck driver safety using statistical methods. I have published 8 peer-reviewed journal papers.

Why/how did you become interested in Occupational Health?

I am very interested in Occupational Health because it is closely related to my previous research. When I was a master in HSPH, I worked with Dr. Kales on a study about fatigue-related accidents. This invaluable experience made me become more interested in Occupational Health.

What is your current involvement in Occupational Health?

As a first-year PhD student, I focus on learning advanced knowledge in environmental science, data analysis and epidemiology. At the same time, I joined the research projects to obtain practical experience.

What are your future career plans/goals?

I am open to any options. I am very interested in finding an academic job. I’d also like to work as a researcher at a non-profit agency or a consulting company.