Nick Falkenberg, BA

First-Year SM Student

Advisor: Andrew L. Beam, PhD | Program: SM | Concentration: Epidemiologic Methods

– Q & A –

What is your background/experience prior to entering the program?

I studied statistics and economics during my undergrad at Rice University, after which I worked as a Technical Specialist at Gryphon Scientific, a science consulting firm that specializes in public health and the life sciences.

Why/how did you become interested in Occupational Health?

At Gryphon, I was part of a project we did for NIOSH in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic that involved conducting literature searches on occupational safety during the pandemic. Specifically, we investigated the impacts and efficacy of safety measures in the workplace meant to protect against COVID-19. It was clear to me that workplace safety measures were important yet complicated, with impacts on multiple components of society. I would like to combine my experience in economics with my current training in epidemiology to evaluate such safety measures through this broad lens.

What are your future career plans/goals?

I have many interests and am open to a variety of career paths, but I hope to apply my training in epidemiology in a computational setting to tackle complex and pressing issues in modern public health.