Building on our long and successful track record of collaboration with Chinese peer institutions to advance research, the Harvard China Health Partnership paves the way to evidence-based policy solutions that affect the lives of millions of Chinese citizens. Our project sites are featured in Chinese media as reform examples.
Affordability and accessibility of health care services have been key social challenges in China. Since the beginning of 2009, the Chinese government began to implement an ambitious reform agenda that aimed to radically improve its health care system. Although much progress has been made in the past eight years, China’s health care system still faces a number of deeply rooted problems. The Harvard China Health Partnership aims to assess and improve this problem as China’s health care reform evolves.
10 years of health-care reform in China: progress and gaps in Universal Health Coverage
Analysis of Provider Payment Reform on Advancing China’s Health (APPROACH)
Re-aligning Incentives for Affordable and Effective Healthcare (Ningxia I)
Medical Professionalism
Respiratory Disease in Chinese Textile Workers
Many of our past Visiting Scholars from peer institutions in China contributed to these research collaborations:
- Analysis of Provider Payment Reform on Advancing China’s Health (APPROACH), Weiyan Jian, 2018
- Analysis of Provider Payment Reform on Advancing China’s Health (APPROACH), Min Hu, 2017-2018
- Basic Medical Insurance System (BMI) Reform, Limei Jing, 2017-2018
- Telehealth to Improve Access to Health Care, Ting Meggie Yu, 2017-2018
- The quality of life for elderly with different living arrangements, Zhiying Zhou, 2017-2018
Systematic-Level Reform at Public Hospitals, Hongqiao Fu, 2016-2017