Winnie Yip and William Hsiao Speak at the Harvard College China Forum

The 2024 Harvard College China Forum (HCCF) invited Professors Winnie Yip and William Hsiao to speak on the current trends, challenges, reforms, and potential areas of collaborations between the healthcare systems in China and the United States. Professor Yip delivered the opening remarks for the panel, “Public Health and Healthcare: Economic Policy in the Era of Global Health”. The discussion delved into pressing topics including what the key drivers behind…

How China’s Medical Anti-Corruption Crackdown is Unfolding

An article by The Wire China, “A Crackdown Comes for Healthcare,” discusses how China’s campaign to crack down on medical corruption across its healthcare sector is unfolding—now over half a year since the campaign launched—and what underlying issues remain unaddressed. Dr. Winnie Yip, who co-authored a study published last year on medical corruption in China, is among the experts who shared their insights. Dr. Yip describes the market-driven nature of…

Reflecting on the Progresses and Challenges Since China’s 2009 Healthcare Reform — an Interview with Dr. Winnie Yip

People’s Daily [人民日报], an official Chinese government media outlet, circulated an insightful interview from Ren Zhi Chu [人之初] magazine featuring Professor Winnie Yip, Faculty Director of the Harvard China Health Partnership. The interview, titled “China’s Healthcare Reform: Achievements and Challenges Coexist,” delved into the 2009 healthcare reform’s multi-faceted progress in healthcare financing, payment, and the strengthening of the supply side, and highlighted the challenges brought by socioeconomic constraints. We invite…

China Launches Anti-Corruption Campaign Upon Healthcare Sector

An article by The Wall Street Journal, “中国降低医疗成本的独特行动:大规模医药反腐 [China’s Unique Action to Reduce Medical Costs: Large-Scale Pharmaceutical Anti-Corruption]” reported on China’s sweeping anti-corruption campaign launched across hospitals and medical institutions since July 2023. Cracking down on acts of medical corruption—for example, doctors and hospital managers taking monetary bribes from patients and drug manufacturers—is a potential way to aid reduction of medical costs. Dr. Winnie Yip, Professor of Global Health Policy…

Preparing for China’s Aging Population

In an interview with Inside China, a podcast by the South Morning China Post, Professor Winnie Yip discusses how the Chinese government is preparing to provide for and sustain its aging population in the near future. Due to China’s increasing life expectancy, residual effects of the former one-child policy, and other factors—a large demographic shift is predicted to result in 400 million retirees living in China by 2035. This presents impending…

Field Report: Chronic disease management and multi-sector solutions for health-induced poverty are working, but China’s big hospitals are holding back primary care

Dinda Elliott, Executive Director of the Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies, shares insights from Dr. Winnie Yip, Faculty Director of the Harvard China Health Partnership, regarding China’s rural healthcare improvements and health-related poverty elimination. These observations were drawn from Dr. Yip’s field visit to rural villages in Yunnan, China this spring. Read more in the new field report here.

China’s New Health Insurance Policies: A More Equitable System?

Recent reforms to health insurance policies in China have sparked protests in the cities of Wuhan and Dalian, with a majority of protesters being elderly people. Dr. Winnie Yip, Professor of Global Health Policy and Economics, spoke with reporters at NBC News to discuss how these reforms will affect China’s population, particularly its vulnerable groups. The primary concern of protestors is that allocating more employers’ health insurance contributions from individual…

Disparities in China’s Urban and Rural Healthcare

In an interview with Drum Tower, a podcast by The Economist, Dr. Winnie Yip discusses the historical disparities between the quality of urban and rural healthcare in China—particularly for primary care—and what the Chinese administration has done in recent decades in response to these issues. One of Dr. Winnie Yip’s primary areas of expertise and research is in understanding health system reform in rural China, including the role of “barefoot…

Perspectives on China’s Changing COVID Landscape

In December 2022, China announced several changes to their COVID-19 policies. Dr. Winnie Yip, Professor of Global Health Policy and Economics, spoke with several major U.S.-based media outlets to discuss indications of the Chinese government’s changing direction in regard to its longstanding “Zero-COVID” approach, as well as critical reopening strategies the government could employ in order to safely and effectively do so. Dr. Yip, who is also Faculty Director of…

Commentary: Managing the health of online care in China

The adoption of digital technologies in health care has vastly accelerated over the past two years as the COVID-19 pandemic saw health care providers switch to virtual care options like telehealth. In the United States, in-person visits to Department of Veteran Affairs facilities declined by 55 per cent from March to May 2020, while telephone and video visits increased rapidly. A similar expansion of telemedicine use was observed in Europe. In China, the use…