Fall 2014

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  • Dean’s message: Behind the headlines

    When public health touches a raw cultural nerve—from a deadly new epidemic to our daily eating habits—it’s a headline event. But most of the time, our ongoing endeavors never reach the news feed.

  • Q & A: When lab research threatens humanity

    Is bench research that creates a lethal, contagious bird flu virus worth the risk that the virus could escape the lab?

  • An equal exchange

    HSPH pairs with refugee public health students to create a healthier Burma

  • Big data’s big visionary

    As cholera swept through London in the mid-19th century, a physician named John Snow painstakingly drew a paper map indicating clusters of homes where the deadly waterborne infection had struck.

  • A survivor’s empathy

    Angela Diaz, MPH ’02, knows what it’s like to overcome nearly impossible odds—and to pay forward the hard lessons she learned along the way.