Welcome, Postdoctoral Fellows!
The Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health welcomes you to our community. We appreciate the indispensable role our postdoctoral fellows play in advancing the work of this institution and of public health in general. We hope you will flourish here and hone those skills that will enable you to become accomplished independent researchers. We wish you great success during your time here.
This website provides information for prospective and current Harvard Chan School postdoctoral fellows, and lists resources on a wide range of topics of interest to postdocs.
As a new annual appointee at the Harvard Chan School, you will be asked to process a lot of information from many sources. This checklist serves as a general guide to all of the tasks that may need to be completed to help you get off to a successful start. To access the checklist, please click HERE.
Your appointing department/division administrator may have more specific instructions which you should follow. Some items on this list will not apply to everyone.
You are encouraged to participate in the school’s Postdoctoral Association (PDA), which was founded by Harvard Chan School postdocs in 2007. The PDA organizes social events and workshops for postdocs, and works to enhance the postdoc network and overall postdoc experience at the School.
Prospective and current postdoctoral fellows may contact the Office of Faculty Affairs at 617-432-1047 or facultyaffairs@hsph.harvard.edu for more information.
Photos by Aubrey LaMedica (left) & Emily Cuccarese (right)