Under review as of 12/29/2020
The Office of Faculty Affairs is developing an updated set of general grievance and review procedures for faculty members and academic appointees. The anticipated policies and procedures will relate to conduct not already directly addressed by Title IX policy, discrimination/bias complaint procedures, or research compliance guidelines and regulations. They will outline shared expectations for collegial behavior, and set out a process for addressing issues such as misuse of authority, bullying behavior, verbal abuse, and/or unethical management practices. These procedures will overlap with and extend from existing guidelines, such as those related to authorship, supervision, and non-retaliation, and provide a more robust and consistent dispute resolution mechanism for related violations.
If local efforts to address the abusive or unacceptable behavior of a faculty member or other academic appointee have failed, please contact Associate Dean Jennifer Ivers (ivers@hsph.harvard.edu) for additional resources to facilitate dispute resolution.
Related policies and guidelines:
- Abusive and/or intimidating behavior (bullying) policy
- Authorship guidelines
- FAS professional conduct policy
- HUPD/MA overview of harassment and stalking behavior
- Non-retaliation policy
- Ombuds self-help resources
- Ombuds bullying overview
- Research misconduct allegations
- Sexual and gender-based harassment complaint procedures involving faculty members or other academic appointees at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
- Title IX: Harvard University policy on sexual and gender-based harassment and related procedures
- Title IX: Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Policy
- Unprofessional relationships and abuse of authority
Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunity
Harvard University selects and promotes staff and faculty without discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, pregnancy and pregnancy-related conditions, gender identity, religion, creed, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, military service, genetic information, or other protected status unrelated to job requirements. Each year, the President and Fellows of Harvard College reaffirm Harvard’s commitment to affirmative action and equal employment opportunity in this statement. For information on how to address an experience of discrimination, please review the Discrimination Policy and Review Procedure or consider using the Bias-Related Incident Reporting system.