Many faculty engage in collaborative interaction with outside entities, and Harvard is committed to ensuring the integrity of the institution and its scientific enterprise by preventing faculty bias in academic research that may arise from these relationships. These outside activities are typically positive indicators that faculty members are recognized thought-leaders with professional opportunities, government funding and support from companies working to translate research into practice. Nevertheless, additional institutional attention must be given to faculty relationships with outside entities in order to safeguard the integrity of the faculty and their research and to actively limit potential or perceived conflicts of interest and commitment.
The Office of Faculty Affairs along with the Office of Research Administration provide oversight on faculty outside activities as it implements and advises members of the faculty on the policies outlined below. Oversight includes the annual collection and review of faculty outside activity and interest reports, review of research proposals for conflicts of interest, and at times managing potential conflicts of interest with a formal management plan.
Faculty and non-faculty academic appointees are expected to be aware of their obligations under the university and school’s policies. These policies are intended to serve as a guide in structuring any relationships with industry, other academic institutions, and other outside ventures with respect to their academic responsibilities of teaching, research, and administrative duties.
Key Policies
Harvard’s Statement on Outside Activities of Holders of Academic Appointments
Harvard Policy on Financial Conflicts of Interest
All primary faculty, non-primary faculty and non-faculty academic appointees whose FTE is 50% or greater, along with anyone listed as investigator (i.e., any person, regardless of title or position, who is responsible for the design, conduct, or reporting of research) on a grant funded through the school by, or proposed for funding by, an agency of the US Public Health Service (PHS), the National Science Foundation (NSF) or a sponsor to which Harvard applies the 2011 PHS Rule (“PHS+ funded investigators”) are required to report Outside Activities & Interests (OAIR) online at the following PIN-enabled website:
Other Resources
- Harvard Chan School FAQ document which outlines what should be reported
- Office of the Vice Provost for Research website
- Consulting Agreement Addendum for Harvard Faculty
- OAIR system support site
- Contact with system related questions.
If you have questions or concerns about faculty outside activities, please contact Angela Brazeau at