(revised 7/21/2010)
There are a few times during the academic year when the presence of all faculty members is crucial. These times of important decision making for students and faculty are:
- The week of fall orientation and registration check-in
- The first two weeks of classes in each period
- The last week of classes in each period
- The week prior to the final faculty meeting (ordinarily in May)
- The week preceding, during, and the week following summer sessions, if teaching or advising during the summer
In the event that faculty members need to be absent for any time during these periods, they must make suitable arrangements for others to take on their duties, including appropriate substitutes for advising responsibilities. These arrangements should be approved formally by the department chairperson and every effort should be made to inform students as to the faculty members who will be available to assume advising duties.
Faculty are expected to submit all grades to the Registrar’s Office prior to travel.
Department chairpersons are expected to participate in commencement and all faculty members are encouraged to do so.