Absent extraordinary circumstances, it is generally expected that annual appointees will serve the full term of their appointment. Departments have a special obligation to retain research fellows (postdocs) until the end of their current annual appointment. If it is necessary to terminate an annual appointee before the usual end date (whether because the appointment is a poor fit, because the funding for the position has ended unexpectedly, or for another reason) the department is generally expected to give the appointee three months’ notice. If there are compelling reasons why three months’ notice cannot be given, Dean Ivers should be consulted.
Most early terminations are the choice of the appointee (i.e., the person is leaving to take a new position, to relocate, or for some other personal reason). If the early termination is sought by the department rather than by the appointee, the reason for termination must be documented in a memorandum to Dean Ivers.
Any appointment, salaried or unsalaried, that is being terminated prior to the end of the appointment term requires submission of a Wasabi termination form with supporting documentation.