Tenured Faculty Sabbatical
A sabbatical leave is defined as a leave for the purpose of engaging in research or other activities that will advance the faculty member’s scholarly achievement or that will enhance the reputation of or otherwise benefit the university…READ MORE
Unpaid Leave of Absence
According to university policy, a faculty member may request an unpaid leave of absence of one year with a one-year renewal; there is no option for renewal beyond two years…READ MORE
Paid Parental Leave / Tenure-Clock Extension to Meet Child Care Needs
Significant family responsibilities such as childbirth, adoption, and parenting often impose career disadvantages that women faculty, in particular, may face…READ MORE
Paid Medical Leave for Full-Time Faculty
Full-Time faculty members (ladder and non-ladder) who are paid by the School, suffering from a serious health condition that prevents the fulfillment of normal duties may be entitled to a paid medical leave…READ MORE