Faculty Retirement

Tenured faculty members approaching the age of 65 may wish to consider retirement options, which the School is able to tailor to the faculty member’s needs.  Please contact Jane J. Kim, Dean for Academic Affairs, at jkim@hsph.harvard.edu, for more information.

2024 Professor Emeriti Award

Congratulations to Robert J. Blendon, Richard L. Menschel Professor of Public Health and Professor of Health Policy and Political Analysis, Emeritus and Douglas W. Dockery, John L. Loeb and Frances Lehman Loeb Professor of Environmental Epidemiology, Emeritus, recipients of the 2024 Professor Emeriti Award. Professors Blendon and Dockery are outstanding members of the faculty who have made major contributions to the key missions of the Harvard Chan School including excellence in research and in education. The Emeritus Faculty Award recognizes individuals who have created a lasting influence on, and/or continued after retirement to make contributions to, the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health community or to the field of public health more generally.

Retirement Titles

Research Professor

The title of “research professor” is a transition appointment available to individuals who are eligible to be reviewed for emeritus/a status and who relinquish tenure but wish to remain involved in faculty activities. This title can be held for up to five years after formal retirement. Appointment terms are made in one-year increments. Individuals who request this title should write to the department chair annually to state their planned research activities for the coming year. The terms of the research professorships require that an active program of research in retirement be underway.

Professor Emeritus/a

Primary senior faculty members (ladder and non-ladder) who have rendered “long and faithful service” under the terms of a 2022 Harvard Corporation vote, are eligible to be reviewed for emeritus faculty appointments at the Harvard Chan School. Emeritus faculty retain an emeritus title and several ongoing benefits and perquisites, including continued email and other account access, and enjoy opportunities to continue to engage with the School and University communities. This appointment remains active for the professor’s lifetime.

If the individual held an endowed chair while active, that title carries forward with a research professor appointment or an Emeritus/a designation.

Helpful Resources


Harvard University Benefits Office

Harvard Chan School