Spring 2015

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  • Dean’s message: Inflection points

    On the eve of his departure from the School, Dean Julio Frenk reflects on how public health builds the science that clarifies today’s most complicated issues. “My experience at Harvard has been extraordinary, and the decision to step down came only after deep reflection”

  • Q&A: A public health lens on police-associated violence

    In 2014, the police killings of three unarmed African-American males—Eric Garner in Staten Island, New York; Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri; and Tamir Rice in Cleveland, Ohio— sparked a national conversation on police brutality and on endemic racism in U.S. society.

  • Your phone knows how you feel

    Scientists are using cellphone data to track everything from depression and mood disorders to crowd behavior.

  • A picture of health

    In rural South Sudan, the population barely tops four people per square mile. Vehicles are a rarity. And when night falls, a limitless silence descends.

  • Unraveling a medical mystery

    Sepsis kills more than half a million people in the U.S. every year. A Harvard Chan student is untangling its secrets.