Léonard Boussioux

Assistant Professor
University of Washington

Léonard Boussioux, a final year Ph.D. student at MIT under Prof. Dimitris Bertsimas, is an incoming Assistant Professor at the University of Washington in Information Systems and Operations Management. His research addresses healthcare and environmental issues using operations research, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. He develops multimodal and prescriptive tools for integrating sustainability in business and policy. Collaborating with Google X, MIT Jameel Clinic, Harvard Medical School, OCP Group, and others, he has deployed AI and analytics models for healthcare operations, pollution management, and ecosystem conservation. A Centrale Paris graduate in Engineering and Applied Mathematics, Léonard has won numerous awards from INFORMS, MIT, IEEE, UNESCO, Google, and more. He’s an MIT 3-minute thesis competition winner and a three-time MIT teaching award recipient, including the Goodwin Medal.