
Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that the body can’t digest. Though most carbohydrates are broken down into sugar molecules called glucose, fiber cannot be broken down into sugar molecules, and instead it passes through the body undigested. Fiber helps regulate the body’s use of sugars, helping to keep hunger and blood sugar in check. … Continue reading “Fiber”


Seaweed may bring to mind the slippery green, red, and brown plants that curl around your toes when walking in the ocean, or mounds of dried tangles washed up on shore. It may be less recognized as an aquatic food on your dinner plate. But certain types of “seaweed” (the common name for countless species … Continue reading “Seaweed”

WHO releases updated guidelines on defining healthy diets

Harvard experts say most recommendations are well-supported, but guidance on total fat intake omits decades of evidence The World Health Organization (WHO) has released updated guidelines for defining healthy diets, with particular attention to carbohydrates, total fat, and specific types of fat such as saturated and trans fats. The guidelines are an addition to their … Continue reading “WHO releases updated guidelines on defining healthy diets”

Healthy Longevity

Longevity is the achievement of a long life. We may hope for longevity so that we can experience many years of quality time with loved ones or have time to explore the world. But living to a ripe old age doesn’t necessarily mean healthy or happy longevity if it is burdened by disability or disease. … Continue reading “Healthy Longevity”

Oral Health

“There is no health without oral health.” You may have heard this statement but what does it mean? The health of our mouth, or oral health, is more important than many of us may realize. It is a key indicator of overall health, which is essential to our well-being and quality of life. Although preventable … Continue reading “Oral Health”


Avocados or “alligator pears” are known for their creamy smooth flesh and bumpy skin. They are a popular food across many cultures. Perhaps best known as the star ingredient in guacamole, they are versatile and prepared in an array of dishes, or simply eaten plain with a spoon. Although not sweet, avocados are botanically classified … Continue reading “Avocados”

Workout Supplements

A popular category of dietary supplements are workout supplements, which are typically taken before (‘pre-workout’) or after exercising (‘post-workout’), and are sold in a variety of forms from pills to powders and ready-to-drink shakes. The global pre-workout supplement market size alone was estimated to reach $13.98 billion in 2020 and almost double in size to … Continue reading “Workout Supplements”