COVID-19 Symptoms & Social Distancing Web Survey: Version 2

We encourage you to participate even if you have already completed the original survey since we are seeking more up-to-date information and have added some new questions.

Begin the survey by clicking here.

This survey is being conducted by Dr. David E. Bloom, Dr. David Canning, and Rashmi Dayalu at the Program on the Global Demography of Aging (PGDA) at Harvard University and by Dr. Mahesh Karra at the Global Development Policy Center (GDP Center) at Boston University. If you have any questions about this survey, you can contact Dr. David Canning at or Dr. Mahesh Karra at

The purpose of this survey is to gather information on the prevalence of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) symptoms and social distancing behavior from the general U.S. population. The results from this survey will only be used for academic research in order to help public health specialists and policymakers recommend effective measures over the coming days.

You may participate in this survey if:
— You are at least 18 years of age.
— You currently live in the United States.

We encourage you to participate even if you have already completed the original (Version 1) survey since we are seeking more up-to-date information and we have added some new questions. 

If you consent to participate, you will be asked a few questions about your demographic background. You will then be asked about your health and the health status of your household members. You will also be asked about coronavirus symptoms, testing, social distancing behavior in your household, your mood and emotional state, and work status.

The survey should take no more than 10 minutes to complete. The median time for completion of the Version 1 survey was 3.6 minutes.

Please invite each eligible person in your household to join in the fight against COVID-19 by completing the survey.

Begin the survey by clicking here.