Research Scientists

Elena Savoia

Principal Research Scientist




Emergency preparedness experts preach the power of communication

Experts at Harvard Chan School's Emergency Preparedness Research, Evaluation & Practice (EPREP) Program have studied the pandemic and other public health emergencies to gain insight into best practices for communicating effectively about health risks during such situations.

International Collaboration Against Pandemics

3 Questions for Elena Savoia, MPH ’04 Elena Savoia   Dr. Savoia is Senior Research Scientist, Department of Biostatistics, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and Deputy Director of the Emergency Preparedness Program with the Division of…

Survey explores communication during West Virginia water crisis

Elena Savoia, research scientist in the Department of Biostatistics and deputy director of the HSPH Preparedness and Emergency Response Learning Center, was recently interviewed on WOWK-TV in Huntington, West Virginia about crisis communication around the state’s winter 2014…