Kimberlyn Rachael Leary
Secondary Faculty

Kimberlyn Rachael Leary

Associate Professor in the Department of Health Policy and Management

Health Policy and Management

Other Positions

Temp Exec Educ Instructor

Exec Ed Temp

Harvard Kennedy School

Associate Professor of Psychology in the Department of Psychiatry, Part-time

Psychiatry-McLean Hospital

Harvard Medical School

Research Associate, Annual

Bloomberg Center for Cities at Harvard University

Harvard Kennedy School

Awards and Honors

Hans Loewald Memorial Award2020
International Forum for Psychoanalytic Education

LEADS Alumni Award2019
Amherst College

Robert Wood Johnson Health Policy Fellow2014-2016
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Certificate Undergraduate Teaching Excellence2013-2014
Harvard University Bok Center

Division 39 Scholarship Award2010-2010
American Psychological Association

Public Services Fellowship2007-2009
Harvard Kennedy School

Ernst and Gertrude Tico Award2007-2008
Ernest and Gertrude Charitable Foundation

John Bowlby Memorial Lecturer2005-2005
London Centre for Attachment-basd Therapy

Ira Miller Writing Award2004-2004
Michigan Psychoanalytic Institute

Karl Menninger Award1996-1997
Menninger Foundation


Current Clinical Psychiatry, Humana Press

Pinder-Amaker S., Leary K. In: Medlock M., Shtasel D., Trinh NH., Williams D.(eds) Racism and Psychiatry.

Changing institutional values and diversifying the behavioral health workforce. 2018. 181-204.

Progress in Psychoanalysis

Leary, K. In: Axelrod, S., Naso, R. & Rosenberg, L. eds.

On conflict and confligere ("Striking Together"): Psychoanalytic treatment, influence, and innovation during Healthcare Reform. 2018. 235-251.