Rong Ma
Primary Faculty

Rong Ma

Assistant Professor of Biostatistics



My research interest lies in the intersection of statistics and biomedical data science. My current research focuses on (i) statistical inference for large random matrices and high-dimensional models, (ii) theoretical and computational underpinning of modern nonlinear embedding techniques and manifold learning algorithms, and (iii) developing principled and interpretable machine learning methods for biomedical sciences, especially for single-cell integrative genomics and multiomics.

MS, 05/2016, Statistics & Data Science
University of Wisconsin, Madison

BS, 06/2015, Statistics
Nankai University

PhD, 08/2021, Biostatistics
University of Pennsylvania

Postdoc, 08/2023, Statistics & Biomedical Data Science
Stanford University

SIAM Travel Award2023
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics

Saul Winegrad Award for Outstanding Dissertation2022
University of Pennsylvania

Lawrence D. Brown Ph.D. Student Award2022
Institute of Mathematical Statistics
