Peer Reviewed Publications:
1. Rosen LJ, Rier DA, Connolly GN, Oren A, Landau C, Schwartz R. Do health policy advisors know what the public wants? An empirical comparison of how health policy advisors assess public preferences regarding smoke-free air, and what the public actually prefers. Israel Journal of Health Policy Research. 2013, 2:20. DOI: 10.1186/2045-4015-2-20
2. Agaku I, Vardavas C, Connolly GN. Temporal Trends in Smokeless Tobacco Use among U.S Middle and High School Students, 2000-2011, for publication in JAMA 2013; 19: 1989-90.
3. Alpert HR, Vardavas CI, Chaloupka FJ, Vozikis A, Athanasakis K, Kyriopoulos I, Bertic M, Behrakis PK, Connolly GN. The recent and projected public health and economic benefits of cigarette taxation in Greece. Tobacco Control. Published online March 6, 2013 as 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2012-050857.
4. Christophi CA, Paisi, M, Despin P, Kehagias M, Vardavas C, Connolly GN. The Impact of the Cyprus comprehensive smoking ban on air quality and economic business of hospitality venues. BMC Public Health. 2013, 13: 76.
5. Vardavas CI, Symvoulakis EK, Lionis C. Dealing with tobacco use and dependence within primary health care: time for action Tob Induc Dis. 2013 Feb 26; 11 91): 6.
6. Behm I, Sokol N, Kennedy D, Rees VW, Connolly GN. Population Use, Sales, and Design: A Multidimensional Assessment of “Light” Cigarettes in the United States, 2009 American Journal of Public Health. Jan. 2013.
7. Alpert HR, Connolly GN, Biener LA. Prospective cohort study challenging the effectiveness of population-based medical intervention for smoking cessation Tobacco Control. 2013; 22: 32-37.
8. Vardavas C, Girvalaki C, Lazuras L, Triantafylli D, Lionis, Connolly G, Behrakis P. Changes in tobacco industry advertising around high schools in Greece following an outdoor advertising ban: a follow up study. Tobacco Control. 2012; 141 (6): 1400-6.
9. Connolly GN, Alpert HR. Has the Tobacco Industry Evaded the Intent and Purpose of the FDA’s Ban on “Light” Cigarette Descriptors? Tobacco Control. 2012 Tobacco Control 2013; 0:1-9, doi10.1136 tobacocontrol-2012-070546.
10. Vardavas C, Anagnostopoulos N, Kougias M, Evangelopoulou V, Connolly G, Behrakis P. Acute pulmonary effects of sidestream secondhand smoke at simulated car concentrations. Xenobiotica. 2013;43 (6): 509-13.
11. Vardavas CI, Filippidis TF, Agaku I, Mytaras V, Bertic M, Connolly GN, Tountas Y, Behrakis P. Tobacco taxation: the importance of earmarking the revenue to heal care and tobacco control. Tob Induc Dis 2012 Dec 27: 10 (1): 21.
12. Filippidis F, Vardavas CI, Behrakis P, Schoretsaniti S, Dimitrakaki C, Connolly G, Tountas Y. Prevalence and determinants of tobacco use among adults in Greece: 4 year trends. Eur J Public Health. 2012, Oct.31. E-pub ahead of print.
13. Agaku I, Connolly G, Alpert H, Adisa A, Vardavas C. Concurrent smokeless tobacco and cigarette among Nigerian adolescents: an emerging epidemic. Journal of Substance Use. 2012 In press
14. Tsiligianni I, Vardavas CI, Bouloukaki I, Kosmas E, Verigou E, Kiriakaki M, Siafakas N, Tzanakis N. The association between alcohol and tobacco use among elementary and high school students in Crete, Greece. Tob Induc Dis. 2012; 10(1):15.
15. Neophytou A, Anagnostopoulos N, Vardavas C, Koutsilieri S, Dotis G, Evangelopoulou V, Laden F, Behrakis P, Dockery D. Cross-Workshift Changes in Lung Function Parameters in Hospitality Workers with Workplace SHS Exposures. CHEST. 2012; 142 (4_MeetingAbstracts): 1080A-1080A. doi:10.1378/chest.1390152
16. Stathopoulou S, Vardavas C, Evangelopoulou V, Tzwrtzi A, Connolly G, Behrakis P. The Effect of Short Term Exposure to Secondhand Smoke at Car/Bar Concentrations on Pulmonary Resistance. CHEST. 2012; 142 (4_MeetingAbstracts):797A-797A. doi:10.1378/chest.1390219
17. Loukopoulou A, Vardavas C, Tzatzarakis M, Farmakides G, Rossolymos C, Chrelias C, Tsatsakis A, Connolly G, Behrakis P. Urinary Nicotine and Cotinine as a Method for Assessing the Effectiveness of an Intervention to Aid Smoking Cessation During Pregnancy. CHEST. 2012; 142 (4_MeetingAbstracts):1081A-1081A. doi:10.1378/ chest.1390281
18. Vardavas CI, Behrakis P. Greece: consumption down at last. Tobacco Control 2012; 21 (1):2-3
19. Seidenberg AB, Behm I, Rees VW, Connolly GN. Cigarette sales in pharmacies in the USA (2005-2009). Tobacco Control 2012; 21(5):509-10.
20. Kennedy RD, Millstein RA, Rees VW, Connolly GN. Tobacco industry strategies to minimize or mask cigarette smoke: opportunities for tobacco product regulation. Nicotine and Tobacco Research 2012; (Epub ahead of print).
21. Ramahi I, Seidenberg AB, Kennedy RD, Rees VW. Secondhand smoke emission levels in enclosed public places during Ramadan. European Journal of Public Health 2012; (Epub ahead of print).
22. Vardavas CI, Anagnostopoulos N, Kougias M, Evangelopoulou V, Connolly GN, Behrakis PK. Short-term pulmonary effects of using an electronic cigarette: impact on respiratory flow resistance, impedance, and exhaled nitric oxide. Chest 2012; 141(6):1400-6.
23. Kennedy RD, Spafford MM, Behm I, Hammond D, Fong GT, Borland R. Positive impact of Australian ‘blindness’ tobacco warning labels: findings from the ITC four country survey. Clinical and Experimental Optometry 2012; (Epub ahead of print).
24. Rosen LJ, Rier DA, Schwartz R, Oren A, Kopel A, Gevman A, Zeller M, Connolly G. Public support for smoke-free areas in Israel: a case for action. Health Policy 2012; 106 (2):161-8.
25. Connolly GN. How society treats smoking: commentary. Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2012; 1(1):29.
26. Seidenberg AB, Rees VW, Connolly GN. R.J. Reynolds goes international with new dissolvable tobacco products. Tobacco Control 2012; 21(3):368-9.
27. Seidenberg AB, Rees VW, Alpert HR, O’Connor RJ, Giovino GA, Hyland A, Connolly GN. Smokers’ self-reported responses to the introduction of reduced ignition propensity (RIP) cigarettes. Tobacco Control 2012; 21(3):337-40.
28. Seidenberg AB, Rodgers EJ, Rees VW, Connolly GN. Youth access, creation, and content of smokeless tobacco (“dip”) videos in social media. Journal of Adolescent Health 2012; 50(4):334-8.
29. Rees VW, Kreslake JK, Ferris-Wayne G, O’Connor RJ, Cummings KM, Connolly GN. Role of cigarette sensory cues in modifying smoking topography. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 2012; 124 (1-2): 1-10.
30. Seidenberg AB, Hong WW, Liu JY, Noel JK, Rees VW, Availability and range of tobacco products for sale in Massachusetts Pharmacies. Tobacco Control. doi: 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2012-050591.
31. Abuelaish I, Seidenberg AB, Kennedy RD, Rees VW. Secondhand smoke and indoor air quality in public places in Gaza City. In press Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal.
32. Rosenbloom JE, Rees VW, Reid K, Wong J, Kinnunen T. Tobacco dependence among women menthol smokers: a cross-sectional study. Tobacco Induced Diseases. 2012; 10:19 doi: 10.1186/1617-9625-10-19.
33. Connolly GN, Behm I, Healton CG, Alpert HR. Public attitudes regarding banning of cigarettes and regulation of nicotine. American Journal of Public Health 2012; 102(4):e1-2.
34. Vardavas CI, Anagnostopoulos N, Patelarou E, Minas M, Nakou C, Dramba V, Giourgouli G, Bagkeris E, Gourgoulianis K, Pattaka P, Antoniadis A, Lionis C, Bertic M, Dockery D, Connolly GN, Behrakis PK. Five-year trends of second-hand smoke exposure in Greece: a comparison between complete, partial, and prelegislation levels. Journal of Aerosol Medicine an Pulmonary Drug Delivery 2012.
35. Kennedy RD, Behm I, Craig L, Thompson ME, Fong GT, Guignard R, Beck F. Smoking cessation interventions from health care providers before and after the national smoke-free law in France. European Journal of Public Health 2012; 22 (Suppl 1):23-8.
36. Kennedy RD, Behm I, Craig L, Thompson ME, Fong GT, Guignard R, Beck F. Outdoor smoking behaviour and support for outdoor smoking restrictions before and after France’s national smoking ban. European Journal of Public Health 2012; 22(Suppl 1):29-34.
37. Vardavas CI, Fthenou E, Patelarou E, Bagkeris E, Murphy S. Hecht SS, Connolly GN, Chatzi L, Kogevinas M. Exposure to different sources of second-hand smoke during pregnancy and its effect on urinary cotinine and tobacco-specific nitrosamine (NNAL) concentrations. Tobacco Control 2012; epub ahead of print.
38. June KM, Norton KJ, Rees VW, O’Connor RJ. Influence of measurement setting and home smoking policy on smoking topography. Addictive Behaviors 2012; 37(1):42-6.
39. Behm I, Kabir Z, Connolly GN, Alpert HR. Increasing prevalence of smoke-free homes and decreasing rates of sudden infant death syndrome in the United States: an ecological association study. Tobacco Control 2012; 21(1):6-11.
40. Rosen LJ, Geva H, Connolly G. Political will ushers in a new era for tobacco control in Israel. Lancet 2011; 378(9804):1697-8.
41. Loukopoulou AN, Vardavas CI, Farmakides G, Rossolymos C, Chrelias C, Tzatzarakis MN, Tsatsakis A, Lymberi M, Connolly GN, Behrakis PK. Design and study protocol of the maternal smoking cessation during pregnancy study, (M-SCOPE). BMC Public Health 2011; 11:903.
42. Keske RR, Rees VW, Behm I, Wadler BM, Geller AC. Second-hand smoke exposure and mitigation strategies among home visitation workers. Tobacco Control 2011; epub ahead of print.
43. Kabir Z, Arora M, Alpert HR. Have public smoking bans resulted in an improvement quality life? Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research 2011; 11(4):375-7.
44. Kennedy RD, Leatherdale ST, Burkhalter R, Ahmed R. Prevalence of smokeless tobacco use among Canadian youth between 2004 and 2008: findings from the Youth Smoking Survey. Canadian Journal of Public Health 2011; 102(5):358-63.
45. Kabir Z., Connolly GN, Alpert HR. Secondhand smoke exposure and neurobehavioral disorders among children in the United States. Pediatrics 2011; 128(2):263-70.
46. Rosen LJ, Guttman N, Hovell MF, Noach MB, Winickoff JP, Tchernokovski S, Rosenblum JK, Rubenstein U, Seidmann V, Vardavas CI, Klepeis NE, Zucker DM. Development, design, and conceptual issues of project zero exposure: a program to protect young children from tobacco smoke exposure. BMC Public Health 2011; 11:508.
47. Vardavas CI, Seidenberg AB, Connolly GN. Regulating duty free sales and tobacco advertising in airports: a call for action. Tobacco Induced Diseases 2011; 9:7.
48. Kennedy RD, Spafford MM, Schultz AS, Iley MD. Smoking cessation referrals in optometric practice: a Canadian pilot study. Optometry and Vision Science 2011; 88(6):766-71.
49. Kennedy RD, Spafford MM, Parkinson CM, Fong GT. Knowledge about the relationship between smoking and blindness in Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia: results from the International Tobacco Control Four-Country Project. Optometry 2011; 82(5):310-7.
50. Patelarou, E., Vardavas, C.I., Ntzilepi, P., Warren, C.W., Barbouni, A., Kremastinou, J., Connolly, G.N., Behrakis, P. Nursing education and beliefs towards tobacco cessation and control: a cross-sectional national survey (GHPSS) among nursing students in Greece. Tobacco Induced Diseases 2011; 9:4.
51. Karabela M, Vardavas CI, Tzatzarakis M, Tsatsakis A, Dockery D, Connolly GN, Behrakis P. The relationship between venue indoor air quality and urinary cotinine levels among semiopen-air café employees: what factors determine the level of exposure? Journal of Aerosol Medicine and Pulmonary Drug Delivery 2011; 24(1):35-41.
52. Vardavas CI, Behrakis PK, Connolly GN. Chronic disease to top agenda. Beware tobacco companies’ spurious financial arguments. British Medical Journal 2011; 342.
53. Alpert HR, Behm I, Connolly GN, Kabir Z. Smokefree households with children and decreasing rates of pediatric clinical encounters for otitis media in the United States. Tobacco Control 2011; 20(3):207-11.
54. Connolly GN, Behm I, Osaki Y, Wayne GF. The impact of menthol cigarettes on smoking initiation among non-smoking young females in Japan. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2011; 8(1):1-14.
55. Seidenberg AB, Rees VW, Alpert HR, O’Connor RJ, Connolly GN. Ignition strength of 25 international cigarette brands. Tobacco Control 2011; 20(1):77-80.
56. Vardavas C, Patelarou E, Grander M, Chatzi L, Palm B, Fthenou E, Roumeliotaki T, Koutis A, Kafatos A, Vrijheid M, Connolly G, Murphy S, Vahter M, Kogevinas M. The association between active/passive smoking and toxic metals among pregnant women in Greece. Xenobiotika 2011; 41(6):456-63.
57. Spafford MM, Iley MD., Schultz A, Kennedy RD. Tobacco dependence education in optometry: a Canadian pilot study assessing practices and opportunities. Optometric Education 2010; 36(1):38-44.
58. Ayo-Yusuf OA, Connolly GN. Applying toxicological risk assessment principles to constituents of smokeless tobacco products: implications for product regulation, Tobacco Control 2010; 20(1):53-7.
59. Connolly GN, Richter P, Aleguas A, Pechacek T, Stanfill, S. Unintentional child poisonings by ingestion of conventional and novel tobacco products. Pediatrics 2010; 125(15):896-9.
60. Dove M, Dockery DW, Connolly GN. Smoke-free air laws and asthma prevalence, symptoms and severity among non-smoking youth, NHANES 1999-2006. Pediatrics 2010; 127(1):102-9.
61. Kabir Z, Connolly GN, Koh HK, Clancy L. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease hospitalization rates in Massachusetts: a trend analysis. QJM 2010; 103(3):163-8.
62. Koh HK, Alpert HR, Connolly GN, Judge CM, Caughey RW, Elqura LJ, Warren CW. Understanding worldwide youth attitudes towards smoke-free policies: an analysis of the Global Youth Tobacco Survey. Tobacco Control 2011; 20(3):219-25.
63. Noel JK, Rees VW, Connolly GN. Electronic cigarettes: a new ‘tobacco’ industry? Tobacco Control 2011; 20(1):81.
64. Panzano VC, Ferris-Wayne G, Pickworth WB, Connolly GN. Human electroencephalography and the tobacco industry: a review of internal documents. Tobacco Control 2010; 19(2):153-9.
65. O’Connor RJ, Rees VW, Norton KJ, Cummings KM, Connolly GN, Alpert HR, Sjodin A, Romanof L, Li Z, June KM, Giovino GA. Does switching to reduced ignition propensity cigarettes alter smoking behavior or exposure to tobacco smoke constituents? Nicotine and Tobacco Research 2010; 12(10):1011-8.
66. Rosen LJ, Zucker DM, Rosen BJ, Connolly GN. Secondhand smoke levels in Israeli bars, pubs, and cafes before and after implementation of smoke-free legislation. European Journal of Public Health 2011; 21(1):15-20.
67. Saade G, Seidenberg AB, Rees VW, Otrock Z, Connolly GN. Indoor secondhand tobacco smoke emission levels in six Lebanese cities. Tobacco Control 2010; 19(2):138-42.
68. Seidenberg AB, Caughey RW, Rees VW, Connolly GN. Storefront Cigarette Advertising Differs by Community Demographic Profile. American Journal of Health Promotion 2010; 24(6):e26-31.
69. Seidenberg AB, Rees VW, Connolly, GN. Swedish Match Marketing on YouTube. Tobacco Control 2010; 19(6):512-3.
70. Stanfill SB, Connolly GN, Zhang L, Jia LT, Henningfield JE, Richter P, Lawler T, Ayo-Yusuf OA, Ashley DL, Watson, CH, Global surveillance of oral tobacco products: total nicotine, unionized nicotine and tobacco-specific N-nitrosamines. Tobacco Control 2010; 20(3):e2.
71. Tomar S, Alpert HR, Connolly GN. Patterns of dual use of cigarettes and smokeless tobacco among U.S. Males: findings from national surveys. Tobacco Control 2010; 19(2):104-9.
72. Vardavas CI, Dimitrakaki C, Schoretsaniti S, Patelarou E, Filippidis FT, Connolly GN, Tountas Y. The role of the non-smoker in enforcing smoke-free laws. Journal of Public Health Policy 2011; 32(1):46-59.
73. Vardavas CI, Symvoulakis K, Connolly G, Patelarou E, Lionis C. What are the characteristics of an effective anti-tobacco advertisement? A pilot study among Greek adolescents. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2010; 7(1):78-88.
74. Kabir, Z., Alpert, H.R., Goodman, P.G., Haw, S., Behm, I., Connolly, G.N., Gupta, P.C., Clancy, L., Effect of smoke-free home and workplace policies on secondhand smoke exposure levels in children: an evidence summary. Pediatric Health 2010; 4-94.
75. Connolly GN, Carpenter C, Travers M, Cummings M, Hyland A, Mulcahy M, Clancy L, How Smoke-free Laws Improve Air Quality: A Global Study of Irish Pubs. Nicotine & Tobacco Research 2009; 11(6):600-5.
76. Ferris-Wayne G, Carpenter CM. Tobacco Industry Manipulation of Nicotine Dosing. Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology 2009; (192:457-85.
77. Ferris-Wayne G, Connolly GN. Regulatory Assessment of Brand Changes in the Commercial Tobacco Product Market. Tobacco Control 2009; 18(4):302-9.
78. Kabir Z, Connolly GN, Clancy L, Cohen BB, Koh HK. Declining maternal smoking prevalence did not change low birth weight prevalence in Massachusetts from 1989 to 2004. European Journal of Public Health 2009; 19(1):65-8.
79. Lee K, Carpenter C, Challa C, Lee S, Connolly GN, Koh HK. The strategic targeting of females by transnational tobacco companies in South Korea following trade liberalization. Globalization and Health 2009; 5:2.
80. Marian C, O’Connor RJ, Djordjevic M, Rees VW, Hatsukami DK, Shields PG. Reconciling human smoking behavior and machine smoking patterns: implications for understanding smoking behavior and the impact on laboratory studies. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention 2009; 18(12):3305-20.
81. O’Connor RJ, Cummings KM, Rees VW, Connolly GN, Norton K, Sweanor D, Parascandola M, Hatsukami DK, Shields PG. Surveillance methods for identifying, characterizing, and monitoring tobacco products: potential reduced exposure products as an example. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention 2009; 18(12):3334-48.
82. Pauly JL, Rees V & O’Connor R., Philip Morris clinical study of carbon filtered cigarettes challenged by nondisclosure issues. Nicotine and Tobacco Research 2009; 11(10):1245-6.
83. Rees VW, Kreslake JK, O’Connor RJ, Cummings, KM, Hatsukami DK, Parascandola M & Connolly GN. Methods used in internal industry clinical trials to assess tobacco risk reduction. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention 2009; 18(12):3196-208.
84. Rees VW, Kreslake JK, Cummings, KM, O’Connor RJ, Hatsukami DK, Parascandola M, Shields PG & Connolly GN. Assessing consumer responses to PREPs: A review of tobacco industry and independent research methods. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention 2009; 18(12):3225-40.
85. Van Hemelrijck MJ, Kabir Z, Connolly GN. Trends in Lung Cancer Death Rates in Belgium and the Netherlands: a systematic Analysis of Temporal Patterns. Journal of Community Health 2009; 34(3):188-94.
86. Van Hemelrijck MJ, Michaud DS, Connolly GN, Kabir Z. Secondhand
Smoking, 4-Aminobiphenyl and Bladder Cancer: Two Meta-Analyses, Cancer
Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention 2009; 18(4):1312-20.
87. Van Hemelrijck MJ, Michaud DS, Connolly GN, and Kabir Z. Tobacco use and bladder cancer patterns in three Western European countries. Journal of Public Health 2009; 31(3):335-44.
88. Vardavas C, Connolly GN, Kafatos AG, Geographical information systems as a tool for monitoring tobacco industry advertising. Tobacco Control 2009; 18(3):190-6.
89. Vardavas C, Connolly G, Karamanolis K, Kafatos A. Adolescents perceived effectiveness of the proposed European graphic tobacco warning labels. European Journal of Public Health 2009; 19(2):212-7.
90. Alpert HR, Koh HK, Connolly GN. After the Master Settlement Agreement, Targeting and Exposure of Youth to Magazine Tobacco Advertising. Health Affairs 2008; 27(6):w503-12.
91. Alpert HR, Connolly G, Rosen LJ. Freedom from Tobacco. Israel Medical Association Journal 2008; 10:92.
92. Alpert HR, Koh HK, Connolly GN. Free Nicotine Content and Strategic Marketing of Moist Snuff Tobacco Products in the U.S.: 2000 – 2006. Tobacco Control 2008; 17(5):332-8.
93. Alpert HR, O’Connor RJ, Spalletta R, Connolly GN. Recent Advances in Cigarette Ignition Propensity Research and Development. Fire Technology 2010; 46(2):275-89.
94. Belstock SA, Connolly GN, Carpenter C, Tucker L, Using Alcohol to Sell Cigarettes to Young Adults: A Content Analysis of Cigarette Advertisements. Journal of American College Health 2008; 56(4):383-9.
95. Carpenter CM, Connolly GN, Ayo-Yusuf OA, Ferris-Wayne G. Developing smokeless tobacco products for smokers: An examination of tobacco industry documents. Tobacco Control 2009; 18(1):54-9.
96. Christophi CA, Kolokotroni O, Alpert HR, Warren CW, Jones NR, Demokritou P, Connolly GN. Prevalence and Social Environment of Cigarette Smoking in Cyprus Youth. BMC Public Health 2008; 8:190.
97. Connolly GN, Alpert HR. Trends in the Use of Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products, 2000-2007. JAMA 2008; 299 (22):2629-30.
98. Ferris-Wayne G, Connolly GN, Henningfield JE, Farone WA. Tobacco industry research and efforts to manipulate smoke particle size: Implications for product regulation. Nicotine & Tobacco Research 2008; 10(4):613-25.
99. Kabir Z, Connolly GN, Clancy L. Sex-differences in lung cancer cell-types? An epidemiologic study in Ireland. Ulster Medical Journal 2008; 77(1):31-5.
100. Kabir Z, Connolly GN, Clancy L, Koh HK, Capewell S. Reduced Coronary Heart Disease Deaths and Decreased Smoking Prevalence in Massachusetts, 1993-2003. American Journal of Public Health 2008; 98(8):11-3.
101. Kreslake JM, Ferris-Wayne G, Alpert HR, Koh HK, Connolly GN, Tobacco Industry Control of Menthol in Cigarettes and Targeting of Adolescents and Young Adults. American Journal of Public Health 2008; 98 (9); 1-9.
102. Kreslake J, Ferris-Wayne G, Connolly GN. The menthol smoker: tobacco industry research on consumer sensory perception of menthol cigarettes and its role in smoking behavior. Nicotine and Tobacco Research 2008; 10(4):705-15.
103. Leistikow BN, Kabir Z, Connolly GN, Clancy L, Alpert HR. Male tobacco smoke load and non-lung cancer mortality associations in Massachusetts. BMC Cancer 2008; 8:341.
104. Rees VW, Ferris-Wayne G, Connolly GN. Puffing style and human exposure altered minimally by switching to a carbon filtered cigarette. Cancer: Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention 2008; 17(11):2995-3003.
105. Rosen LJ, Zucker D, Rosenberg H, Connolly G. Secondhand Smoke in Israeli Bars, Pubs and Cafes. Israeli Medical Association Journal 2008; 10(8-9):584-7.
106. Alpert H, Carpenter C, Travers M, Connolly G. Environmental and Economic Evaluation of the Massachusetts Smoke Free Workplace Law. Journal of Community Health 2007; 32(4):269-81.
107. Biener L, Bogen K, Connolly GN. Impact of Corrective Health Information on Consumers’ Perceptions of “reduced exposure” Tobacco Products. Tobacco Control 2007; 16: 306-11.
108. Biener L, Garrett C, Skeer M, Siegel M, Connolly G. The Effects on Smokers of Boston’s Smoke-free Bar Ordinance: A Longitudinal Analysis of Changes in Compliance, Patronage, Policy Support, and Smoking at Home. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice 2007; 13(6):630-6.
109. Carpenter C, Ferris-Wayne G, Connolly GN. The Role of Sensory Perception in the Development and Targeting of Tobacco Products. Addiction 2007; 102:136-147.
110. Connolly GN, Alpert HR, Ferris-Wayne G, Koh H. Trends in nicotine yield in smoke and its relationship with design characteristics among popular U.S. cigarette brands, 1997-2005. Tobacco Control 2007; 16(5):1-9.
111. Kabir Z, Clancy L, Connolly GN. Tobacco control efforts: where is India now? The Lancet 2007; 370: (9582):134.
112. Kabir Z, Connolly GN, Clancy L. Recent lung cancer patterns in younger age-cohorts in Ireland. Ulster Med J 2007; 76(2):83-87.
113. Kabir Z, Connolly GN, Clancy L. Temporal Patterns in Lung Cancer Death Rates in Ireland. Irish Journal of Medical Science 2007; 176(2):81-5.
114. Kabir Z, Connolly GN, Clancy L, Jemal A, Koh HK. Reduced lung cancer deaths attributable to decreased tobacco use in Massachusetts. Cancer Causes and Control 2007; 18(8):833-8.
115. Koh HK, Joossens LX, Connolly GN. Making Smoking History Worldwide. New England Journal of Medicine 2007; 356(15):1496-8.
116. Megerdichian C, Rees V, Ferris-Wayne G, Connolly GN. Internal Tobacco Industry Research on Olfactory and Trigeminal Nerve Response. Nicotine & Tobacco Research 2007; 9(11):1119-29.
117. Rees V, Ferris-Wayne G, Thomas B, Connolly GN. Physical design analysis and mainstream smoke constituent yields of the new potentially reduced exposure product, Marlboro UltraSmooth. Nicotine and Tobacco Research 2007; 9(11):1197-206.
118. Biener L, Rimer RL, Wakefield M, Szczypka G, Rigotti N, Connolly GN. Impact of Smoking Cessation Aids and Mass Media among Recent Quitters. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 2006; 30(3):217-24.
119. Carpenter C, Connolly G, Travers M, Hyland A, and Cummings KM. Health meetings do not belong in smoky cities. Tobacco Control 2006; 15(1): 69-70.
120. Ferris-Wayne G. Potential Reduced Exposure Products (PREPs) in Industry Tobacco Trial Testimony. Tobacco Control 2006; 15(Supp 4):iv90-iv97.
121. Ferris-Wayne G, Henningfield J, Connolly GN. Brand differences of free-base nicotine delivery in cigarette smoke: view of the tobacco industry documents, Tobacco Control 2006; 15(3):189-98.
122. Fong GT, Hyland A, Borland R, Hammond D, Hastings GB, McNeill A, Anderson S, Cummings KM, Allwright S, Mulcahy M, Howell F, Clancy L, Thompson ME, Connolly GN, Driezen P. Reductions in Tobacco Smoke Pollution and Increases in Support for Smoke-Free Public Places Following the Implementation of Comprehensive Smoke-Free Workplace Legislation in the Republic of Ireland: Findings from the ITC Ireland/UK Survey. Tobacco Control 2006; 15(Suppl 3): iii51-8.
123. Hammond D, Wiebel F, Koslowski LT, Borland R, Cummings KM, O’Connor RJ, McNeill S, Connolly GN, Arnott D, Fong GT. Revising the International Standards Organization Machine Smoking Regime for Cigarette Emissions: Implications for Tobacco Control Policy. Tobacco Control 2007; 16(1):8-14.
124. Henningfield JE, Connolly GN, Kemper KE, Gitchell JG, Pinney JM. Clean cut cigarettes: fictitious launch foreshadows actual tobacco industry strategy. Tobacco Control 2006; 15(4):341-2.
125. Rees VW, Connolly GN. Measuring air quality to protect children from secondhand smoke in cars. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 2006; 31(5):363-368.
126. Carpenter CM, Ferris-Wayne G, Connolly GN. Designing Cigarettes for Women: New Findings for the Tobacco Industry Documents. Addiction 2005; 100(6):837-51.
127. Carpenter C. Ferris-Wayne G, Connolly GN, Pauly J, Koh H. New cigarette brands with flavors that appeal to youth: Tobacco Marketing Strategies. Health Affairs 2005; 24(6):1601-10.
128. Celebucki C, Ferris-Wayne G, Connolly GN, Pankow J, Chang E. Characterization of measured menthol in 48 U.S. cigarette sub-brands. Nicotine and Tobacco Research 2005; 7(4): 523-31.
129. Connolly GN, Alpert HR, Rees V, Ferris-Wayne G, Carpenter C, Koh H. The Effect of the New York State Fire Safety Standard on Ignition Propensity, Smoke Toxicity and the Consumer Market. Tobacco Control 2005; 14(5): 321-7.
130. Cullen DM, Ferris-Wayne G, Connolly GN. Deciphering the Internal Code Used by the Tobacco Industry. Tobacco Control 2005; 14(6): 429-32.
131. Grey N, Henningfield J, Benowitz NL, Connolly GN, Dresier C, Fagerstron K, Javis MJ, Boyle P. Toward a Comprehensive Long Term Nicotine Policy. Tobacco Control 2005; 14(3):161-5.
132. Keithly L, Cullen DJ, Ferris-Wayne G, Connolly GN. Industry research on the use and effects of levulinic acid: A case study in cigarette additives. Nicotine and Tobacco Research 2005; 7(5):761-71.
133. Koh HK. Judge CM, Robbins H, Celebucki CC, Walker DK, Connolly GN. The first decade of the Massachusetts tobacco control program. Public Health Reports 2005; 120(5):482-95.
134. Nadel J, Rees V, Connolly GN. Disparities in Global Tobacco Harm Reduction. American Journal of Public Health 2005; 95(12):2120.
135. Connolly GN. Sweet and spicy flavours: new brands for minorities and youth. Tobacco Control 2004; 13(3): 211-2.
136. Ferris-Wayne, G., Connolly, G.N. Application, function, and effects of menthol in cigarettes: a survey of tobacco industry documents. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, February 2004.
137. Ferris-Wayne G, Connolly GN, Henningfield JE. Assessing internal tobacco industry knowledge of the neurobiology of tobacco dependence. Nicotine & Tobacco Research 2004; 6:927-940.
138. Hamilton WL, diStefano Norton J, Ouellette TK, Rhodes WM, Kling R, Connolly GN. Smokers’ response to advertisements for regular and light cigarettes and potential reduced-exposure tobacco products. Nicotine & Tobacco Research 2004; 6(Suppl 3):S352-62.
1. Christophi, C.A., Koloktroni-Zacharopoulou, O., Alpert, H.R., Warren, C.W., Jones, N.R., Demokritou, P., Connolly, G.N., Prevalence and Main Determinants of Tobacco Use in Cyprus Youth Through the Use of the GYTS, The Cyprus International Institute for the Environment and Public Health in association with Harvard School of Public Health (CII/HSPH) Nicosia, Cyprus, 2009.
2. Kehagias, M., Alpert, H.R., Connolly, G.N., Demokritou, P., Advertising of Tobacco Products and Youth Access at Points-of-Purchase in the Vicinity of Schools in Nicosia, Cyprus. Cyprus International Institute for the Environment & Public Health in association with Harvard School of Public Health (CII/HSPH) Nicosia, Cyprus, 2009.
3. Rees, V., Connolly, G.N., (Eds.) Potentially Reduced Exposure Tobacco Products: A Public Health Information Guide. Harvard School of Public Health, April, 2008 (ISBN 978-0-9801976-0-0).
4. Seidenberg, A.B., Determination of the Ignition Strength of Twenty-One International Cigarette Brand Types For Roswell Park Cancer Institute, January 16, 2008.
5. Seidenberg, A.B., Rees, V.W., Connolly, G.N., Determination of the Ignition Strength of Four Cigarette Brand Types Purchased in South Carolina For John G. Reich Deputy Director/State Fire Marshal Division of Fire and Life Safety. Report. May 29, 2008.
6. Alpert, Hillel R., A Law Synopsis by the Tobacco Control Legal Consortium, Regulating Cigarettes for Fire Safety, Report. May, 2007.
7. Seidenberg, A.B., Rees, V., Connolly, G.N., Determination of the Ignition Strength of Five Cigarette Brand Types for Baltimore City Health Department, Report. August 21, 2007.
8. Seidenberg, A.B., Rees, V., Connolly, G.N., Determination of the Ignition Strength of Four Cigarette Brand Types For Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (The Netherlands), Report. October 9, 2007.
9. Koh, H.K., Jacobson, M.D., Lyddy, A.M., O’Connor, K.J., Fitzpatrick, S.M., Krakow, M., Judge, C.M., Alpert, H.R., Luskin, R.S. A statewide public health approach to improving organ donation: the Massachusetts Organ Donation Initiative. American Journal of Public Health, January 2007 (doi:10.2105/AJPH.2005.077701)
10. Alpert, H.R., Christophi, C., Connolly, G.N., Demokritou, P., Economou, M., Iliaki, E, Kehagias, M., Kolokotroni-Zacharopoulou, O., Soteriades, E., Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) 2006 Republic of Cyprus Country Report Tobacco Research Program (TRP). Cyprus International Institute for the Environment & Public Health in association with Harvard School of Public Health (CII/HSPH) Nicosia, Cyprus.
11. Connolly, G.N., Alpert, H.R., Demokritou, P., Koloktroni-Zacharopoulou, O., Soteriades, E., A Strategic Plan for Tobacco Control in Cyprus, Report, Cyprus International Institute for the Environment and Public Health in Association with Harvard School of Public Health, 2006.
12. Connolly, G.N., Carpenter, C.M., Travers, M., Cummings, K.M., Hyland, A., Mulcahy, M., Clancy, L., How Smoke-free Laws Improve Air Quality: A Global Study of Irish Pubs, Report by Harvard School of Public Health, Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Office of Tobacco Control Ireland, Health Service Executive-West, Environmental Health Department Galway and Research Institute for a Tobacco Free Society Ireland, March, 2006.
13. Ferris Wayne G, Pickworth WB. Impact of tobacco product additives and design features on sensory perceptions, smoking topography, and repeated use. Commissioned report for World Health Organization Study Group on Tobacco Product Regulation (Kobe, Japan). May, 2006.
14. Kreslake, J., Connolly, G.N., An Evaluation of the Maine Tobacco Control Program, Report. March, 2006.
15. WHO Study Group on Tobacco Product Regulation (TobReg); Scientific Advisory, Candy Flavored Tobacco Products: Research Needs and Recommended Actions by Regulators. Report. The WHO Tobacco Free Initiative (TFI) and the WHO Study Group on Tobacco Product Regulation (TobReg) wish to acknowledge the significant contributions made by Gregory N. Connolly and Carrie M. Carpenter, May 2006.
16. Connolly, G.N., Carpenter, C., Alpert, H.R., Skeer, M., (Harvard School of Public Health) and Travers, M., (Roswell Park Cancer Institute) Evaluation of the Massachusetts Smoke-Free Workplace Law, Report. April 2005.
October, 2008 – The Strategic Marketing of Smokeless Tobacco
Professor Gregory Connolly discusses the strategic marketing of moist snuff tobacco products, particularly to youth, and how tobacco companies adjust the levels of free nicotine content in their smokeless tobacco products. (6:10)