Yixin Tu (涂怡欣)

Visiting Scholar, 2019-2020 (Past Affiliate)
PhD Candidate, Department of Public Administration, Zhejiang University

Yixin TU worked on “county medical communities” (县域医共体), including a wide range of reforms for primary care. While a visiting scholar, she was a Ph.D. candidate at Zhejiang University.

Jing Wang (王晶)

Visiting Scholar, 2019-2020 (Past Affiliate)
Associate Professor, Institute of Sociology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS)

Jing WANG is an Associate Professor at the Institute of Sociology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. From 2015 to 2016, she completed a collaboration with the Social Policy Research Centre of University of New South Wales (UNSW), Australia on “Community based social service delivery in China to be shaped by social organization?” which was supported by the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD). From 2014 to 2015, she…

Xiangnan Wang (王向楠)

Visiting Scholar, 2022-2023 (Past Affiliate)
Associate Researcher, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS)

Dr. Xiangnan Wang is an Associate Researcher at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS). He works as the Director of the Insurance and Social Security Department at the Institute of Finance and Banking within CASS, and is the Secretary-General of the Research Center for Insurance and Economic Development of CASS. His research focuses on health insurance and risk management in an aging society, such as health insurance purchasing and…

Jia Xiang (向佳)

Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, 2020-2021 (Past Affiliate)
Department of Global Health and Population

Jia Xiang received her Ph.D. in Economics from Penn State in 2020. She finds synergies between Health Economics and empirical Industrial Organization in research. Her previous work estimates a structural model to quantify the effects of asymmetric information in physician-patient interaction on medical treatment decisions and social welfare, using healthcare insurance claims data in China.

Duo Xu (许多)

Visiting Scholar, 2019-2021 (Past Affiliate)
PhD Candidate, National School of Development, Peking University

Duo XU worked on several projects around patient choices and physician behavior on online healthcare platforms. When a visiting scholar, he was an Economics Ph.D. candidate at Peking University’s National School of Development.

Qingping Xue (薛清萍)

Visiting Scholar, 2019-2021 (Past Affiliate)
PhD Candidate, West China School of Public Health, Sichuan University

Qingping XUE is a Ph.D. candidate majoring in health statistics at Sichuan University working on a project about the development of private hospitals, their role in the health care market, and its impact on hospital quality and medical expenses in China.

Hanmo Yang (杨涵墨)

Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, 2022-2023 (Past Affiliate)
Department of Global Health and Population

Dr. Hanmo Yang received her Ph.D. degree in Economics from National School of Development, Peking University. Her research interests focus on health economics and population studies, especially on healthy aging. Some of her recent works include the impact of the poverty alleviation program on the mortality rate from cerebrovascular diseases in China and the causal relationship between intergenerational interaction and informal care for the disabled elderly. Hanmo has field research…

Meggie Ting Yu (于挺)

Visiting Scholar, 2017-2018 (Past Affiliate)
Associate Professor, School of Management, Shanghai University of Engineering Science

Worked on telehealth to improve access to health care.

Zhiying Zhou

Visiting Scholar, 2017-2018 (Past Affiliate)
Doctoral Student, School of Public Health, Health Science Center, Xi’an Jiaotong University

Worked on the quality of life for elderly with different living arrangements.