Harvard Chan School hosts a diverse array of speakers, invited to share both scholarly research and personal perspectives. They do not speak for the School, and hosting them does not imply endorsement of their views, organizations, or employers.

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Last Date to add/drop/change – HSPH Courses: Full Spring & Spring 1 Term

February 6th, 2025 @ 11:59 pm

This is the last date for any student to submit enrollment transactions into HSPH courses. This is also the last date that an HSPH student can drop ANY course without permission. After this date, HSPH students can submit a petition to the Registrar’s Office via my.harvard to request a late drop, which will result in a WD (unless an exception is approved).


Date: February 6th, 2025
Time: 11:59 pm
Calendars: Academic Calendar
Event types: Academic dates and Deadlines