Winter 2021

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  • Photo of protesters holding sign that reads: "EVICTION = DEATH"

    Shock to the System

    A recession with a pandemic at its core may help us reckon with the links between the economy, inequality, and health.

  • Mary Wesley

    Communities as Classrooms

    Service-learning fellowships are giving students the opportunity to immerse themselves in different cultures, self-reflect, and, most important, learn from the communities they serve.

  • Essential Workers

    In March 2020, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health shut down most operations on campus and began holding classes remotely. Here are just a few of the staff members who have been keeping the campus safe, its labs running, and its students connected.

  • Howard Koh

    Q&A: Restoring Public Health in an Age of Pandemic

    “When prevention works, absolutely nothing happens,” says Howard Koh. “And all you have is the miracle of a perfectly healthy, normal day.”