Winter 2016

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  • A Case of Human Trafficking

    A disheartening encounter with a young patient convinced physician Kimberly Chang, MPH ’15, that medical professionals can play a key role in protecting victims of coerced sex and labor

  • A Calling in Cambodia

    Bill and Lori Housworth uprooted their young family from Louisville, Kentucky, and moved to Siem Reap, Cambodia, to cultivate top-quality medical care in one of Asia’s most impoverished areas.

  • A Matter of Conviction

    As executive director of The Innocence Project, Madeline deLone works to free wrongfully convicted people from prison using DNA evidence.

  • Blue Sky Scenario

    Jeremiah Zhe Liu, SM ’15, PhD ’20, is creating new biostatistical methods that may help reverse the devastating effects of air pollution in his native China.

  • Fiscal Year 2015 Financial Highlights