Business leaders need help shaping the future of work. We’re here for them.

recent headline in the New York Times rang alarm bells for me: “When it comes to living with COVID, businesses are on their own.”

That is unacceptable.

The pandemic has done immense and irreparable harm around the globe. But if we learn the right lessons, we can build back a society that works better for everyone — a society that is healthier, safer, and more resilient. The private sector will play a crucial role in that rebuilding. Corporate executives will have enormous influence. And they will need to work closely with other stakeholders — including experts in health and safety — to shape the future of work in the post-pandemic world.

That’s why I’m so proud that Harvard Chan School is launching a new Public Health for Business Leaders certificate program.

The program starts with a 1 ½ day flagship course entitled “Leading in the Health-First Era: A Public Health Foundation for Business Success.” It covers the fundamentals of public health and uses case studies to help executives identify opportunities to apply those principles in their own workplaces.

Following that flagship course, participants can earn their certificate by taking two additional 1 ½ day workshops from a menu of six options. They can choose to focus on employee health and well-being, healthy buildings, public health data, community and population health, corporate sustainability, or global health. Each of these modules will be co-taught by Harvard Chan faculty and business executives who have hands-on experience with the issues.

Learn more about the program in this piece published on the Edelman blog.