In this issue
Mobilizing a revolution
A growing movement at HSPH and within the global health community is working to leverage the explosion in mobile phone availability—and the data cellphones can share and produce—to change how public health and medical problems are identified, prevented, and treated.
Also in this issue
Dean’s message: The quest for innovation
From the germ theory of disease to genetic epidemiology, public health revolutions have always sprung from inventive ideas fueled by moral urgency.
Quick updates about public health news from the Winter 2012 of Harvard Public Health.
New awards honor trailblazers in public health
HSPH awarded three new alumni awards in 2011.
2011 Alumni Award of Merit winners
This year’s winners worked at Bellevue Hospital, tended earthquake victims in Haiti, researched anemia on a Navajo reservation, and inspired students in Argentina.
HSPH student helps Mass. Department of Public Health analyze raw milk distribution
The raw milk debate heats up as lawmakers consider loosening restrictions on its sale.
Hitting the lottery
Oregon’s experiment with Medicaid gives HSPH economist Katherine Baicker a rare chance to analyze effects of extended coverage.
Philanthropic impact
- Kay Professorship attracts leader in maternal and infant health
- Carson family renews scholarship support across HSPH
- For maternal health, a crucial boost
- Two gifts support work on checklists and global health systems
- Gift from former Dean Bloom supports financial aid
- Medtronic grant supports global health education overhaul
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