All articles related to "Ashish Kumar Jha":

Climate change and food

In part three of our series on climate change and health we examine how environmental changes will affect not only the food we can grow, but how they will make what we're already growing less nutritious.

Tackling the health effects of climate change

Experts predict potentially dire health effects from climate change and say that negative effects are already occurring. But health systems and health professionals can play a key role in protecting the public, according to experts from Harvard T.H.…

The impact of climate change on health

Heat-related illness and death, increases in infectious diseases, injuries and deaths after violent storms—these are some of the serious potential human health impacts of climate change discussed at a recent Climate & Health Meeting. The one-day meeting drew…

Watch livestream of Climate and Health Meeting

The Climate and Health Meeting, organized to fill the gap left by a cancelled Centers for Disease Control and Prevention event, will be available by livestream on February 16, 2017 from 9:00 AM–5:00 PM ET. The event is…

Foreign-trained doctors in U.S. provide quality care

Doctors practicing in the U.S. who graduated from medical schools outside of the country appear to provide quality medical care that exceeds doctors who graduated from medical schools in the U.S., according to a new study from Harvard…

Testing a high-deductible health plan

High-deductible, lower premium health insurance plans appear poised to have an increasing role in American’s insurance options as the Trump administration, employers, and others seek to control health costs, even though researchers know little about how these plans…

Putting a human face on climate change

December 22, 2016 – Focusing on the potential health impacts of climate change—such as malnutrition, an increase in infectious and chronic diseases, and more deaths from heat waves and cold snaps—may be the best way to communicate its dangers, according…