All articles related to "Brent Andrew Coull":

PFASs exposure linked to increased type 2 diabetes risk

Coming on the heels of a recent Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health study showing an association between exposure to PFASs and obesity, a new paper by Harvard Chan School researchers and colleagues found that higher baseline…

Living near greenery linked with less depression in teens

Being around trees and other greenery may help teens stave off depression, according to a new study from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Led by Carla Bezold, postdoctoral research fellow in Harvard Chan’s Department of Epidemiology,…

What does a biostatistician do?

June 17, 2014 — Victor De Gruttola, chair of the Department of Biostatistics and Henry Pickering Walcott Professor of Biostatistics at Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH), recently answered three questions about the role of biostatistics in public…

HSPH awarded $8 million from EPA for air pollution research

The Harvard School of Public Health was awarded an $8 million grant by the United States Environmental Protection Agency to launch one of four new university-based Clean Air Research Centers. Aiming to advance understanding of the effects of…