Many U.S. families considering pregnancy don’t know Zika facts
Four in 10 among general public mistakenly believe Zika virus infection in women likely to harm future pregnancies For immediate release: March 29, 2016 Boston, MA – Many people in U.S. households where someone is pregnant or considering…
Poll: Most believe Ebola likely spread by multiple routes, including sneezing, coughing
Most think people would survive Ebola if they received immediate medical care For immediate release: Wednesday, October 15, 2014 Boston, MA – A Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH)/SSRS poll released today shows most people in the U.S.…
Poll finds many in U.S. lack knowledge about Ebola and its transmission
For immediate release: August 21, 2014 Boston, MA – Although the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports no known cases of Ebola transmission in the United States, a Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH)/SSRS poll released…
NPR/RWJF/HSPH Poll finds health most common major stressful event in Americans’ lives last year
Reports of great deal of stress more than twice as common among people in poor health For immediate release: July 7, 2014 Princeton, N.J. – A new NPR/Robert Wood Johnson Foundation/Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) poll released…
Support for Massachusetts landmark health reform law rises in 2011
Most Don’t Think Law is Main Reason for Rising Health Care Costs For immediate release: June 5, 2011 A new poll by the Harvard School of Public Health and The Boston Globe finds 63% of Massachusetts residents support…
Employers took many measures to protect employees and avoid business impact of H1N1 flu outbreak
For immediate release: Tuesday, June 22, 2010 Boston, MA – In response to the H1N1 flu, most employees at U.S. businesses say their company took measures to protect them from illness, such as encouraging sick employees to stay home,…
Review of H1N1 polls shows key reasons most Americans skipped vaccine were worries about its safety and lack of concern about illness
Public Health Communications Led Many to Change Other Health Behaviors as a Way of Protecting Themselves During Outbreak For immediate release: Wednesday, May 19, 2010 Boston, MA— A comprehensive review of 20 national opinion polls, including 8 by…