All articles related to "Walter C. Willett":

A muffin makeover: Dispelling the low-fat-is-healthy myth

Low-Fat Approach to Eating Hasn’t Reduced Obesity or Made People Healthier New Recipes for Healthier Muffins Using Whole Grains, Healthy Fats For immediate release: Thursday, January 12, 2012 Boston, MA — Dozens of studies, many from Harvard School…

Red meat linked to higher stroke risk

Frequently consuming red meat appears to increase the risk of stroke significantly, while choosing to eat poultry and other proteins, such as fish or nuts, lowers the risk, according to a new study by researchers at Harvard School…

Nutrition news: USDA’s ‘MyPlate’ doesn’t go far enough

The USDA’s MyPlate icon, aimed at providing Americans with easy-to-understand information about how to eat healthy, is an improvement on the old food pyramid but lacks certain key ingredients, said Walter Willett, chair of the Department of Nutrition…