All articles related to "William B Mair":

Uncovering a ‘smoking gun’ in age-related disease

For the first time, researchers reveal a causal link between RNA splicing and aging For immediate release: Monday, December 5, 2016 Boston, MA – Aging is a key risk factor for a variety of devastating, chronic diseases, yet…

HSPH faculty members honored

November 30, 2012 -- Brendan Manning, associate professor of genetics and complex diseases, received a 2012 Senior Scholar in Aging Award from The Ellison Medical Foundation for his research on determining the genetic and metabolic relationship between the major longevity…

Why do we age? Surprising revelations from a worm

[ Fall 2012 ] HSPH’s Will Mair hopes his work in worms will identify molecules that have an effect on aging-related diseases—and which could ultimately be tested as treatments for humans. “How old you are is immutable—you can’t…

TREC center at HSPH tackles obesity, cancer prevention

May 11, 2012 Research has linked obesity with the development and progression of many health problems including multiple forms of cancer. But questions remain about the complex mechanisms by which obesity develops and how it affects cancer risk…