All articles related to "William C. Hsiao":

Bringing single-payer health care to Vermont

Vermont faces big challenges as it plans to institute the nation’s first and only single-payer health care system by 2017. An April 9, 2014 article about Vermont’s experience exploring how best to structure the government-run plan—and how…

Working the (health) system

[Fall 2013 Centennial issue] A standard medical test that could have been done for a tenth of the cost. A doctor’s momentary lapse in attention that led to grievous injury—or even death. An upside-down health care bureaucracy that…

The art of getting things done

[ Spring/Summer 2012 ] On January 19, 2011, HSPH professor William Hsiao walked onto the podium in the well of the Vermont State House. Before him sat both chambers of the state legislature. Above him stood hundreds of…

Alumni Weekend 2011

September 28, 2011 -- HSPH Alumni Gather From Around the World In a festive annual reunion, 160 Harvard School of Public Health alumni, students, and guests gathered at the School on September 23–25 to reconnect with former classmates, network,…

Hsiao helps Vermont overhaul its health care system

The economic climate and demographic shifts around the globe have pushed the work of William Hsiao, the K.T. Li professor of economics at Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH), to the forefront of international health policy, impacting millions…