All articles related to "student stories":

Why Public Health? Zinzi Bailey

April 2011 -- In our new series "Why Public Health?" we ask Harvard School of Public Health students to talk about why they chose to enter the field. Above, Zinzi Bailey, a doctoral student from Jamaica who grew…

Why Public Health? Nicanor Obaldia Rodriguez

April 2011 -- In our new series "Why Public Health?" we ask Harvard School of Public Health students to talk about why they chose to enter the field. Above, Nicanor Obaldia Rodriguez, a doctoral student from Panama, says…

Why Public Health? Brittany Seymour

April 2011 -- In our new series "Why Public Health?" we ask Harvard School of Public Health students to talk about why they chose to enter the field. Above, Brittany Seymour, an MPH candidate and dentist from Colorado,…

Why Public Health? Serufusa Sekidde

April 2011 -- In our new series "Why Public Health?" we ask Harvard School of Public Health students to talk about why they chose to enter the field. Above, Serufusa Sekidde, an MPH candidate and physician from Uganda,…

Why Public Health? Nayana Vootakuru

April 2011 -- In our new series "Why Public Health?" we ask Harvard School of Public Health students to talk about why they chose to enter the field. Above, Nayana Vootakuru, an MPH candidate and physician from Australia,…

HSPH students simulate international aid negotiations

Fourteen HSPH students participated in an innovative extracurricular exercise on March 25, joining with students from other Harvard graduate schools, Boston University, and Tufts University, to simulate the high-level negotiations behind the funding of international aid packages. Representing…

From pond to pump

[ Winter 2011] HSPH student sees the future of energy production—and cleaner, healthier skies—in tiny green algae Birds no longer fall dead out of the sky in Mexico City. One of the most polluted spots on Earth 20 years…

Idjwi island: Oasis of change

[Fall 2010] On Africa's long-forsaken Idjwi island, HSPH students are building a health care system from the ground up. Lake Kivu sits between Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), its serene waves giving little hint of…

Women, welfare & human rights

[ Spring/Summer 2010 ] HSPH student examines government policies and social forces that affect the sexual and reproductive health of women. Should poor women on welfare have additional babies while receiving cash assistance? In the wake of welfare reform in…

Bridging a cultural divide

[Winter 2010] Are better tools needed to identify emotional distress in non-Western refugees? More than 17,000 Iraqi refugees arrived in the United States in 2009, carrying the deep physical and emotional scars of war. Many are widows with…