How artificial intelligence might help health care—or harm it
Artificial intelligence in health care be very beneficial—or very problematic, if we’re not careful about how it’s used, said experts at a Harvard Chan School event.
Hackathon sparks digital, AI solutions to improve health care
More than 500 people worldwide spent two intense days developing innovative ideas to tackle health care challenges at an early April hackathon organized by the Health Systems Innovation Lab at Harvard Chan School.
Harvard Chan School students named 2023 Cheng Fellows
Two students from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health have been selected as 2023 Adrian Cheng Fellows of the New World Social Innovation Fellows Program at Harvard Kennedy School’s Social Innovation and Change Initiative.
Artificial intelligence tools offer harmful advice on eating disorders
Artificial intelligence chatbots created to help people with eating disorders have the potential to backfire, instead promoting harmful views of weight loss and diet culture, experts say.
At data science camp, career development and self-driving cars cross paths
The Data Science in Action camp is a summer program for high schoolers focused on computer programming and artificial intelligence—machine learning in particular—run by the Translational Data Science Center for a Learning Health System at Harvard Chan School…
Harvard Chan School’s Christopher Golden receives grant to strengthen public health systems through artificial intelligence
Harvard Chan School’s Christopher Golden is among the recipients of the National Science Foundation’s recent $140 million investment in artificial intelligence (AI). He will co-lead a project aimed at strengthening the public health system in Madagascar through AI…
Hackathon seeks digital solutions to health system challenges in Latin America, Caribbean
More than 700 hackathon participants proposed technologies to build high-value health systems—which provide cost-effective care that prioritizes patients’ quality of life.
New journal, podcast take a closer look at artificial intelligence in medicine
Andrew Beam, deputy editor of a new journal on AI and co-host of a podcast on the topic, discusses both the potential and challenges of the powerful tool.
Op-ed: The future of artificial intelligence in medicine
A new artificial intelligence chatbot has the potential to transform the future of medical diagnosis, according to a February 13 op-ed in STAT co-authored by Andrew Beam, an assistant professor of epidemiology at Harvard Chan School.
Obesity alters molecular architecture of liver cells; repairing structure reverses metabolic disease
Cells use their molecular architecture to regulate their metabolic functions, and repairing diseased cells’ architecture to a healthier state can also repair metabolism, according to a study led by Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health researchers.