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World Bank’s pandemic bonds proving problematic

A World Bank financing mechanism that was intended to help provide rapid funding to fight major disease outbreaks has often been slow in fulfilling that goal, according to news reports. So-called “pandemic bonds” were created in the wake…

Is publishing unvetted clinical research a good idea?

A new website has been launched that enables clinicians to share their research results before peer review, with the goal of speeding up scientific discovery. According to a June 6, 2019 article in Nature, some experts are concerned…

Q&A: Pandemic Unpreparedness

The world must better prepare for the next inevitable microbial threat, whether expanding drug resistance, a new strain of influenza, or another infection like AIDS, Ebola, Zika, or SARS.

Preparing for future pandemics by learning from the past

October 3, 2018—In past pandemics, infrastructure failures and problematic language in the media have undercut efforts to contain disease, according to Harvard’s Allan Brandt. Brandt, professor of the history of science and Amalie Moses Kass Professor of the…

To quarantine or not to quarantine?

May 4, 2017 — During an infectious disease outbreak, is it best to quarantine those who have been exposed to the disease — who may or may not be infected — or is it sufficient to send the…

Battling infectious diseases takes a village

December 15, 2016 – There’s plenty to worry infectious disease experts these days. With millions of people on the move every day—travelers, immigrants, refugees—disease transmission is a constant risk. Emerging pathogens like Zika, Ebola, and pandemic influenza can…