All articles related to "environmental health":

Climate change topic of inaugural lecture

Two Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) faculty members were among a dozen speakers from Harvard’s 12 graduate and professional schools who outlined concerns about the effects of climate change--and possible solutions--at the inaugural “One Harvard: Lectures that…

Infant lungs prone to nanoparticle deposits

April 2, 2012 Findings may have implications for how drugs are delivered to infants A new study led by a Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) researcher reveals for the first time how airflow patterns in infant lungs differ…

Searching for answers to causes of childhood depression

February 1, 2012 Over the past decade, scientists have produced a flurry of studies exploring the role of genetic (nature) and environmental factors (nurture) in youth depression, but there has been little consensus on how depression is jointly impacted by…